
Graphics, obviously!

Rainny mode engage!

If only 40 gigabytes contained all of this damning information, just imagine what 100 terabytes contains.

Our free time is a valuable commodity. Does the games industry not understand that it has to fight for that free time? That it has to compete? Currently the games industry is treating its consumer base like it has nothing better to do except sit around and wait. That is not the case: we could be watching incredible

I heard that exact same quote from two separate people. Their stories were remarkably similar. They used to play games, now they don't. One complained about the fragmentation of PC gaming – the need to have Origin to play EA Games when he just wanted to play on Steam, issues with Ubisoft's uPlay. "How am I supposed to

Oh, wait. Great. Just great. Now the Xbox One won't let me download the update for some reason. Now I can't download the update or play the game. A hard reset doesn't fix the problem. Just another great night in with Xbox One.

Those are some impressively bad physics. I guess when you've got such a weak CPU, you've gotta make some sacrifices...

Man they're really starting the hype train early on this one. I wonder how many game-breaking bugs will be present in the final release of this steaming pile of shit?

Of course it was filmed in Britain. They have the worst cell-phone cameras in the world, there!

Of course it's good, it's fucking Telltale Games!


In my day we could just hit ESC to skip that bullshit.

To say that all is not well in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive's pro scene would be a massive understatement. Multiple pros have been caught cheating by Valve's official anti-cheat software, and even more are suspected.

I don't have the option to "Tailor Twitter based on my apps," and my Twitter app is current as of the 24th.

"Unfortunately, at launch, the overall quality of the game was diminished by bugs and unexpected technical issues," Ubisoft Montreal boss Yannis Mallat wrote in a blog post today. "I want to sincerely apologize on behalf of Ubisoft and the entire Assassin's Creed team. These problems took away from your enjoyment of

Why is this better than the latest 3 Star Wars movies?

Tales From The Borderlands Could've Been Awful, But It's Great

Uplay? No thanks

If you look closely, the shark's fins start to fold in before the Mosasaurus' jaws even touch them.