
...the comet's gravity is 100,000 weaker than Earth's...

The real question is: how did they manage to release a broken game? Do they have QA?

The problem with that is that you probably just taught your phone that all those suggestions were good ones and that it should keep following that same path.

Yeah, he should have totally looked down the barrel to see what was going on!


This is truly the stuff of nightmares.

In the next gen, 10 divides into two equal parts of 4 and 6.

For all the money they blow on these games, you'd think they could hire some decent QA to catch these kinds of glitches before making people pay 60 bucks for the privilege of beta testing their shitty software.

Kissing at 20 frames per second. Very cinematic!

The good thing about the Nvidia x60 cards is that they're pretty cheap and good for SLI, so you can pop another one in and get equivalent or slightly better performance than an x80 of the same generation.

Glad I didn't pre-order this steaming pile of shit.

High bandwidth, but also high latency. Can't beat physics.

Most of this can be attributed to "High Definition vs Standard Definition."


You fool! He's obvously trying to write "hearth!"


Hold X for next-gen

The devices find each other via Bluetooth and set up an ad-hoc wifi network between each other.