
Not really. AirDrop is extremely nice in the fact that you send the exact thing you're sending. For example, if you AirDrop a video, it just copies the video 1:1, so it comes out on the other end with all metadata and resolution intact. If you were to email that same video, it would be cut down, downsampled and

It's called "Click-bait"

"Everything about the original that made it boring was ripped out and Americanized."

What do you mean, how? Just point the airplane straight up and voila, you're in SPPPAAAAAAACCCEEEEEE!


I get literally 1 frame every 5 seconds.

There's a side that makes you want to keep reading?

Why are terrible comments on the internet a suprise in 2014?

If they hate us why would they do something nice for us?

At best AT&T will have to pay a small fine. After the lawsuit they will simply remove references to "Unlimited" in their contracts and product descriptions. The customer loses.

It was there that Lin broke down. According to Tencent, Lin picked up at a stool and started smashing computers. Supposedly he blamed the Internet cafe for his son's poor grades.

So it's like iOS Seene, but not?

to help people do goo things.

Yep, Samuel L. Jackson's read-through is unbeatable.

Not that I'm aware of. Crossfire has been out for quite some time, so if they haven't "figured it out" yet by now, there's probably nothing to figure out, as it could very well be a "by design" kind of thing. One thing I didn't know, however, is that crossfire works between different cards and memory configurations,

FYI: a programmer or game developer doesn't necessarily know how to hack.

One reason to prefer fullscreen is the fact that Crossfire doesn't work in windowed-mode, so AMD users with Crossfire would lose half their performance if they switched to windowed-mode.

I'm amazed at how many games (and I'm taking triple-A here) still haven't sorted out thinks like these alt-tab problems, or hiding the mouse cursor if you are using a controller. I mean, it's 2014! DirectX is almost 20 years old!