
Plastic is made from oil, too. Therefore one must also purge all plastic from one's life if they disagree with the oil companies.

Just a tidbit: Crossfire doesn't work outside of fullscreen mode, so if you enable windowed mode/windowed borderless mode, you're looking at a massive performance hit.

Not to mention the fact that Crossfire doesn't work outside of fullscreen mode, so for Crossfire users you're looking at a more than 50% performance hit.

Same here. Never a single issue with my Bank of America account.

I can't wait for my kids to pop the inevitable question "Why is the sky blue?" so I can whip this out on 'em. Science, bitches!

If they look for it. Nobody will look for it, though.

Now playing

Disappointing. I was expecting something like this:

Now playing

The second video at 3:37 reminds me of this:

What a fucking dumbass. This is Phil Fish-level stupidity taken to a whole new level.

Short film: A silent boy saves the day with an alien death ray

It's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake.

Our homes have changed radically over the past century. So why do we still use lighting that's based on 19th century technology? Well, that's all about to change. With Philips hue you can spend 200 fuckin' bucks on 3 light bulbs.

If you need some reference to dream for once devs can stop tailoring games for the 360/PS3 and can really kick the tyres of new hardware (not to mention the PC), then these should do the job nicely.

And upon further digging, I have to ask the gamergate supporters... why? Why do you care so much about something as trivial as what people who are paid to write about your favored hobby do or think?

Would you start to get concerned when suddenly the games you like start to disappear because of people who want to paint your hobby in broad brushstrokes?

But if you engage these people based on their arguments and their merits, you're harassing them!

This is the entire GamerGate argument right here. The vast majority of gamers are neither child rapists nor are they misogynists, yet they're being depicted as such by the Anita Sarkeesians and Kotakus of the world.

General rule of thumb: the higher-ups get that ad revenue. The writers get salaries. Meager salaries. Really meager.

"I am going to kill Gabe Newell."