
Yeah, no thanks. Chromecast doesn't do anything I can't already do with my existing setup.

This is totally next-gen shit right here, guys.


"Weekly" TV show. I bet this lasts about 5 or 6 weeks before they just run out of budget and/or ideas.

I think I just became a Tim Minchin fan.

what the fuck is a chrome cast and why would every living room have one?

So what you're saying is that the article posted earlier about Lockeed Martin's theoretical reactor was a hastily thrown together piece of click-bait bullshit?

Lots of countries have far better data infrastructures than the U.S. and look at the U.S. as if they're living in the Stone Age, Internet wise.

Next gen! I hope no halo fans have a 1 megabit DSL line at home.

Wait, there was a Tremors 2, 3 AND 4???

Govt should be funding other alternatives as well, like focus fusion.

The military is paying for it. Lockheed makes like 90% of its profit from the US military. The same military that has guaranteed your freedom for the last 75 years.

Dear HBO: Europe, too, or GTFO.

From my experience having played World of Warcraft for many years up to the Cataclysm expansion, WoW is a notoriously rickety affair that breaks at the slightest provocation. It doesn't surprise me at all that shit like this happens. I remember one time they changed something in some dungeon somewhere and it had the


Oxygen explodes when it touches an open flame. Is oxygen not good for you?

And here's the best reason not to:

Not only do I have a unique login/password for Dropbox (so that the login + hash can't be matched with some other dump), but I also have 2 factor authentication enabled.

Yawn. Come up with some new games, Ubisoft.