

As if to imply that the Linux/Unix kernels are new.

It works as advertised, but it's foiled by fingers or 10 cent earplugs...

I hope it's not an old-school analog pager. Those systems had no way of knowing where the user was, so all towers in the network sent out the broadcast, making evesdropping a breeze.

Google Funds An Undersea Cable to Collect Personal Data and Track Browsing Habits in Asia at 60 Tbps

Yes, but what really sells it is the foley work. The silly little grunts and humming and whatnot...

I don't get it.

Think of an RPG inventory system. 60 more units of cargo, like 60 more squares in your backpack!

This is definitely stupid and frivolous, but still, it's 2014. 1080p or GTFO.

I like how the spotlight followed him down and pointed right at his face as he was lying there convulsing.

But you only really need to know one thing to avoid Ebola: Don't go slathering yourself in the blood and feces of sick people. Got it? Good.

My 64-year-old mother LOL'd as well, so apparently toilet humor spans all ages :D

The software update is beta, idiot.


So.... it's Unreal Tournament? I mean, I'm all for that, but all this has been done before under that name.

It's only a name. Deal with it.

All these posters and designs would look perfectly at home in Bioshock Infinite.

This might work if we all lived in Bioshock Infinite.

Wondering why EA's new Netflix-like Access program is on Xbox One and not PlayStation 4? Well, for starters, Sony doesn't think it's any good for their customers.

Now playing

That's nice and all, but I still think this is better. (action at 0:30, slomo closeup at 1:25)