
I'm sure it feels very real...

Here's how I imagine genome editing going down:

Because a one million ton mining machine looks more impressive, and what better way to wave your space mining dong than a giant machine.

Weight is irrelevant in space.

Assphage... perfect name for gut flora!

Secret society of vampires. Clearly.

That sounds like something a hipster would say.

You take 80 km of books, yadda yadda yadda, the archive becomes searchable.

A .22 doesn't make a whole lot of noise.

Or maybe he's developed ninja-like sanding skills that make it only look like he used a saw...

With sandpaper and an insane amount of free time.

This guy must really love sanding things. I wonder what his hobby room looks like? stacks upon stacks of neatly organized sanding paper... sanding machines in pristine condition placed upon pedestals in a sort of "hall of fame..." He's probably got encyclopedia-level knowledge of sanding, the history of sanding and

When the break happened, the researcher would say, in a mild tone of voice, "Oh my."

"I was told by the director to pronounce it closer to English," Watanabe is quoted by Sponichi as saying. "But that was completely detestable, and I refused."

I hope you never have a child with a genetic illness.

I actually just recently bought a hoodie that showed up on my Facebook feed via a click-thru ad. I would have never found this hoodie otherwise, and I'm glad I just happened to be browsing at that point in time.

Microsoft: Always late to the party, always first to leave.

UPDATE: Discussion about this piece has turned into an argument about whether Max Temkin has a right defend himself, especially if he is wrongly accused. Of course he does, and I never meant to imply that he does not. He and his accuser are both innocent until proven guilty. They both deserve empathy and none of us

She probably thought the bus was gonna drive straight, seeings how it turned right on a two-lane split into the left-most lane. The bus probably didn't signal either, or she didn't see the bus signaling.

Worst of all: it's all in Java