
It doesn't necessarily matter who's got the better tech. This is VHS vs Betamax all over again. It's all about who's going to have the better market position.

Pro tip: if you choose "express install" when installing anything you download from the internet, you're gonna have a bad time.

Nvidia doesn't have an 8-core, 64-bit x86 + high performance GPU SOC. AMD does. Officially, Nvidia may say they "chose" not to compete, but they lost on the console front big time and are trying to compensate with PC deals and mobile tech.

Skeuomorphism at its finest :D


Because it looks exactly like an IED detonator.

They're literally aiming to blind you with science.

Dolby's market research suggests that 90 percent of the study participants preferred the picture of a TV that went as high as 20,000 nits—roughly the light output of a 100W bulb...

Hmm. Wrap a gun up in this stuff and go through a pat-down area...

Pee-Wee is a better human being than Andy Dick

Fancy computerized mumbo-jumbo! In MY day, when an egg was fertilized by a sperm in vitro, a HUMAN had to monitor its progress, AND WE LIKED IT!

Too bad it's fake.

That was a trebel pun.

Are we now pretending that we don't know that ads can be chosen based on page content?

Are Quantum Computers Just as Slow as Conventional Ones?


Not really nitpicks. I mean, the "haha, Michael Bay has lots of explosions in his movies" thing is a bit worn out, because he does action movies, and explosions are cool, but I agree with the honest trailer; the characters sucked, the dialogue sucked right from the very first lines (one-liners are so 80's, but they're…

Which* language, and yes, English.

No mention of "Jeeze Louise, Doc?"