
If I give a friend $100 to get his idea or his business off the ground, I won't expect anything in return, unless that was explicitly arranged.

I hope these douchebags now realize that Oculus could refund every single backer without flinching now.

Freedom Prime

"Salope" is french for "slut," so of course SillySalope is anti-American (and, therefore, anti-freedom).


The only resemblance are the forward slashes.

In other news: Notch is a whiney little bitch.

Awesome? That looks like some janky-ass, low budget shit from the original Star Trek.

Meanwhile, Sarah Palin is still hunting from helicopters.

Shark still looks fake.

It's so advanced you can see the light leaking through the seams in the walls, floor and ceiling!

Titanfall: The only game with food?

I wonder how often that gets said around the offices at NASA

Months long wait for medical attention? That's a laugh. Where'd you get that nugget of information? Did someone on Tumblr say it?

Man ruins stepfather’s motorcycle ‘in rage’ after getting Xbox shut off [St. George News]

I am almost in tears, and I admittedly have no idea what a Harley-Davidson FLF is.

It WAS peer reviewed! Look how many likes it got on Facebook!

I don't know why this already isn't in place. Airliners can fly with perfect precision on autopilot; just have a Pilot Control Kill Switch somewhere accessible to the crew that, once pressed, disables pilot control and throws on the autopilot, piloting the plane to the nearest major airport, where it begins to circle

Ah nö damit gibt's eher wenige Probleme, nur Youtube ist von Vorne nach Hinten geblockt wegen GEMA