
Ja ist kostenpflichtig, natürlich lohnt es sich nicht wenn man nur um GEMA herum YouTube videos gucken will :P

They have very nice... seats...

I hear deleting c:\windows\system32 works wonders!


"But if you drink Bud Light you've stopped reading a long time ago."

Just to be fair: Beer can be every bit as artistic, nuanced and complex as wine. You just gotta get the good stuff. My friend described Rauchbier (smoke beer) to me as "an ingenious combination of the flavors of beer and bacon in a glass."

Make sure you have a clean glass, and hold it at a 45-degree angle while pouring. Begin to pour your beer, and aim for about halfway down the glass. Don't be shy; if you're too slow, you'll end up with no head, and none of those wonderful aromas that enhance the flavor. When you tilt the glass upright, you'll notice

Dafür baue ich nen PPTP VPN Tunnel zu den Staaten auf, geht auch ganz gut, aber manchmal etwas langsam...

Oh yeah, old crazy lady is spot-on... just need to tone down the psychopathic pseudo-homosexual a bit and it'd be perfect :P

The connection to the web interface will be encrypted. The actual email sent from the account will still be plaintext. More hot air. Besides, Gizmodo should know that Email is not transported via HTTP or HTTPS.

I was actually referring to the guy and his silly, fruity way of saying "Mir gefallen seine Augen."

Feedback through the stick would be at worst nonexistent or at best artificial, which would kill a lot of what makes performance-oriented driving so appealing. These issues I think are well-known and accepted, which is why we don't have joystick cars today, but I think there's one more very big reason that I think

I'm happy to see that they got real German speakers to do the voices. Weird German speakers, but real ones nonetheless. I hope the subtitles can be turned off. Found that distracting.

I saw that too before they fixed it.

"The uploader has not made this video available in your country"


The entire Internet.

"the thieves tunnelled under nearby wasteland overnight and into the shop..."

Yet more proof that EA is the worst company in the world. Someone dun goofed, here. Either the EA servers themselves got hacked, or some dumbass thought it would be a good idea to let someone else manage their domain name.