
"This video has been removed by the user"

C'mon fhqwhgads. I see you jockin' me. Trying to play like you know me.

FYI: exactly this method (maybe minus ND filter, dunno) is the method they used to film the speeder chase through the forest of Endor for Return of the Jedi.

So who was the dumbass that decided it was a good idea to let hosted pages use the domain?

So... wait a minute... does this mean that the TV show "The Big Bang Theory" is now gonna have to change it's name to "The Big Bang Fact (5-sigma, R of +-.2)"

That's not really a debate, more of a discussion between two scientists.

Works fine for me!

I don't think that it means that wealth will trickle down from the 1% into your pockets. I think it will trickle down from your pockets into those of people who live in impoverished 3rd world nations.

Fear of death is what causes people to become irrational and embrace idiotic concepts like religion. Children need to understand and accept death as a part of life before they grow up and believe in something stupid.

"Life is just one misstep away from falling flat on your face and being headhumped by a dog?"

I... I don't notice any difference.

The rods and cones in my eyes have detected what you have done there

In the future, other cars will tow yours (2:20-2:22) around so you can swivel your chairs around and dick around with the huge screen in the back of your car and your 30 tablets.

Why does anybody believe what Molyneux says anymore?

"He's a gamer," Molyneux says, "and if I ever make a game where he turns around to me and says, 'You over-promised that,' it would just kill me."

Oppan Gundam Style!

Get that Gundam Gundam off my Gundam lawn, Gundamit!