
It's EA. They're gonna turn it into Grand Theft Podracer.

...until consoles start costing $100 again...

He expected to be able to play games in 4k.

Edge: For fuck's sake, guys. Make your consoles backward compatible.

Jesus. I would have just pointed at the water and said "there's sea level," and that would have been the end of it. Even though I'm in IT: thank god for nerds.

I'm posting because the same "Good kill, good kill!" recording was used in the intro to Falcon 3.0 ... ah nostalgia

The rest is probably sheep DNA :P

I wanna know what it is that's being calculated. My guess is that someone got ahold of some password dump and is trying to break the hash by inventing some bullshit like Bitcoin to make people think they're gonna be rich, but in reality they're helping some dude crack passwords.

Where the fuck did you learn imperial to metric conversion?

110kph is NOT 92 mph

a black man ... talking in his natural way...

Cute as hell!

At least he didn't say "wicked smart"

Pre-order FTW!

Some people think cucumbers taste better pickled!

It's a funny parallelogram...

The difference here being that Microsoft actually has money to spend.

+1 for dwarf zombies!

I see what you did there.

These nanotubes are making me thirsty!