
So part of the production process involves playing with Star Wars toys and acting out the scenes you’ve written, Dark Helmet style. I fucking knew it.

Cade Skywalker. The worst excess of the old EU can’t just be washed away. They must be worn like an albatross around Star Wars neck forever.

got all that from a half second shot of an eyebrow huh?

Oh yeah, it’s nice I guess.

Oh my!

That Lando really is something.

I agree. Game developers should be anticipating our needs and just release a switch version from the start.

Seems more like the “Bro” Dameron (TFA) than “Schmo” Dameron (TLJ).

They’re so expensive that they put them on every single resistance fighter.

catapulting a snubfighter like an X-Wing into a vessel that size would have no effect

A Tomahawk cruise missile is basically a jet with a bomb. Why isn’t there a hyperspace equivalent of a Tomahawk? It’s a kinetic energy weapon. Sure star destroyers are expensive. But all you need is a hyperspace engine, fuel, maybe a warhead and an unlucky droid to pilot the damn thing. The Rebels could have build

Then just attach a hyperdrive to an asteroid (essentially a big projectile) and use that. Seems affordable enough for both sides to be doing it...

Should have been Ackbar!

Nah...seems more like a plot hole that was missed. Nothing wrong with that. We’re all human and make mistakes. Just call it what it was and move on. If you don’t, it starts sounding, over time, as ridiculous as doing “the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs”. Johnson, you’re not fooling anybody. Well, I guess some will buy it,

Does the force teach people who have never even seen an ocean how to swim?

I’d remove Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, since only one person is actually playing the game on the screen (you can’t all be on the couch and play since the people with the book can’t see the screen).

My Luke boner is forever limp after seeing TLJ.

to sell more toys, of course. DUH.

Just kind of makes you wonder if a hyper space kamikaze run is that devistating, why didn’t they just blow up the death stars that way, woulda been much faster and more effective. Hell they could have remote piloted it or had a droid do it.

People keep bringing up this is a movie about failure to somehow shield it from criticism because it somehow is breaking new ground... but Empire was about failure. In fact I’d say Empire is even more about failure because they actually failed. Han captured, Luke defeated.. you know failure. People died in Last Jedi