
Think that’s called Fallout 4

Europe in 1944, especially Nazi-occupied France, was not exactly “woke.”

i think it’s a platform that other devs were massively underestimating before it debuted, so they don’t have anything ready for it in its first two or three years. that may change though.

I had this exact experience with Breath of the Wild. The art direction is superb, but I wish they had spent less time on the breadth (pun intended) of the game, and more on the depth.  Witcher 3 had the right balance, and I think that Zelda could have benefitted from copying its focus.

A salute to Disney Infinity. Yet another idea slashed by the corporate control of its shareholders and board of directors. You didn’t deserve this death.

Money. Money is a reason not too for a lot of people.

Just like the first one, I hope you PC bastards never get this. Lol

While Sony have the far better exclusives in terms of being a console MSoft is still doing a better job IMO. While it should’ve been in at launch MSoft’s continued expansion of BackComp is far better than Sony’s weird decision to go for VR as that’s died now in terms of going mainstream.

It’s almost funny how much personal worth Sony fanboys place on this sort of thing. They can’t just enjoy a good game, or avoid a bad one. No, it is vital everyone know that their choice of console is WTFBBQAwesome, as if Sony is going to reward them for their loyalty.

Don’t worry they’re not, PlayStation controllers still suck.

And every one of those Microsoft games can be played on a PC. Fuck Sony. I don’t want to take my PS4 out of the mothballs to play some overrated 1st party game 20 years from now.

This will forever be my main piece of evidence for why the new trilogy is a mess. There was no clear view, no planned story arc, for the entirety of it for any of its characters. It’s been a slapdash throw-it-against-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks process of film making and story crafting with a dash of dick measuring

Oh and also they killed all the memorable characters we liked in favor of a flavorless burger king kids club of shit.

Jesus, who shit in your cereal?

Ready Player One was an awful book written by that kid in grade school who wouldn’t shut the fuck up about listing every single thing about whatever his latest obsession was. The outline of the story had promise, but it was written by someone without any ability to execute on it. Fuck this book.

What’s your point? A lot of people haven’t played some of the games before.

The entire point of Rogue One was for this ragtag group to make the ultimate sacrifice for the greater good of the Rebellion and the galaxy at large, to be heroes tying into an event we already know about. Rebels was about a family that came together, grew, and ultimately did what they could to save a single planet.

And, seriously, f right off with the whole “Death Star was made with Lightsaber Crystals” BS. Hate that change soooooo much...

ok so Filoni must make as many more animated shows as humanly possible HE IS Star Wars NOW. I’ve said it a thousand times and will keep saying it, he is and has been the true soul of Star Wars since Clone Wars.