
I’m glad she put this in context of shiva and sheloshim. One of the things I’ve always admired about Jewish mourning practice is that it gives you a structure (seven days, thirty days, the first year) so that you have a bit of a guidebook. It expects you to be properly devastated, and then it gives you a time to start

Live look at his election victory speech

I want out of this joke now.

I know “the kids” may not care about this guy, but Bob Ley is fucking great.

Nothing tops Rocky but I have fondness for this one.

i dont even know anymore...

You ever see someone who ordered a hot dog end up looking like this? Didn’t think so.

unnh unnh unnh unnhhh let me go the other way unhh unnh unnh, okay there we go

There’s a difference from that and outright ignoring uncontrolled variables, using sample sizes of fifteen, collecting your data through optional biannual surveys, allowing participants to leave and join at any point during the testing, limiting testing to half a year when no appreciable results could be expected in

What idiot called it Bark at the Park instead of the Marge Schott Memorial Bring The Bitch Out To The Ballpark Day.

A debate, of course, that you’re taking a side on in the first half of your comment here. Which is just what Harvilla is trying to do too: you’re both trying to stake out your space on that debate, but can’t handle pushback or disagreement, so you in fact claim that my comment isn’t relevant when it plainly is. It’s a

You know, Wagner, I find you generally to be as unimpressive as any professional writer I’ve ever read in any forum at any time (don’t ban me, Burneko!) but even by your low standards, this is pitiful. Harvilla wrote a post not about Taylor Swift but about Taylor Swift’s relationship to music and music criticism writ

Speaking generally, I guess I just don’t understand, in 2015, what “poptimists” are so worried about. They’ve been utterly victorious. Every old dead cliche about a rock critic establishment that hates chart pop is just that: dead. Hipsters proclaim their love for all things chart pop. Every major music publication in

Any chance he could pass the Turing test?

“Now, when ChozoRuins started to undo his belt, the baby goat still wasn’t quite sure what was going on. It was when he unzipped his pants that the light went off in its head.”

It’d be pretty great in either dude’s voice, honestly, but I think the best for this job would be Tommy Lee Jones.

How Vin Scully perfectly times stories like that to last as long as the AB passes the point of “skill” to “white wizard magic.”

And they all say Morgan Freeman would be the best narrator for one’s life. I’ll take Vin Scully, thanks.

The Jeffersons won’t be happy to hear that.