
They probably didn't know. That's why we medical people are screened once a year. TB has an indolent, nonspecific prodrome. In lay terms, it's slow, and the symptoms aren't glaringly TB. That's why we are torn whenever someone is admitted with an undiagnosed lung lesion. Do we need to put them on full TB precautions,

"Okay. If Halversson is a "sexsomniac" and this had happened before, Halversson should have known to be more careful around people. He could have chosen not to sleep in the same bed as a woman and avoided the situation altogether."

According to my ex bf I've apparently gotten very dry humpy in my sleep before , so I can go along with it not seeming absurd. I think you're absolutely correct about avoiding the situation altogether if you're aware that you might assault someone in your sleep. At the very least give the other person a heads up.

Thanks dude. Because some idiot on a fresh burner who thinks the word "Sheeple" is edgy is totally someone whose opinion I give a flying fuck about.

You're not the only one! I am really uncomfortable with men who specifically choose to specialise in vaginas and beyond. It doesn't sit well with me and I don't really give a fuck about their feelings in the matter. Because I can, I choose to see female doctors (especially for gyno things). I feel much less of a power

True story: I knew a teen who was born without a hand. He would point his arm/wrist stump at women, stroke it suggestively and ask "Do you know what I could do to you with this?"

Clearly cutting off hands isn't the answer. They will find a way.

I'm sure he'll be super flattered.

Homophobia: The fear that another man will treat you like you treat women.

"I clearly remember making a joke when the girl said, 'What would you like.' I kiddingly said, 'I would like you to go with nothing on it.' "

No! We should celebrate all butts! Man butts are some of my favorite kinds of butts! But this is not about that right now.

Someone also pointed out in a discussion on Groupthink this morning that it's important that schools have their own mechanisms for dealing with campus sexual assault, since trials can take years. There needs to be a way to respond to and protect rape victims more quickly than that.

I'm not getting a good feeling about this week being an improvement over last week, news-wise. Then again, there's almost nowhere to go but up.

Who puts an uzi into a 9 year old girl's hands?!?!?!?!

I had the same thoughts. What the hell does that even mean?

Judging by the slide shows I've seen from the game, as many or more of the Rice jersey-wearers were women.

i think they don't believe in it, because they never been affected by domestic violence.

No kidding. Spread the word, ladies.

It's nice of these guys to give the women around them such a clear and undeniable red flag. Most people have to wait weeks or even months to figure out that a guy is a piece of shit, they're really saving us all a lot of time here.