
Oh, Good Lord, I hope you’re right!  That means I could be okay in a few days!

Something about him annoys me, though.  He is really good at the issues, and I learn a lot, I do grant him that.  I just prefer Trevor Noah or John Oliver.

Thank you very much!  I’ll find out by Tuesday.  In the meantime, I’m taking vitron C and a vegan vitamin D supplement that was well-reviewed on Amazon.  Every day, I seem to have a little bit more energy for a tiny bit more time, so maybe next week I’ll have some semblance of a regular life again? 

Health crisis! I wonder if anyone will see this? I’m all grey.

If I wasn’t allergic to cats, I’d want the orange tabby.

My bigger problem with Chopra is her double-standard in accepting genocide against Muslims in India and Kashmir, but being, all, “Black Lives Matter.”

Oh I agree with you!

Luckily, Piers Morgan is busy doing his white on white violence with Rudy Guiliani and so can’t pick on her right now.

Oh, you mean the problem of him being a perv?

That makes some sense.  And there is the showing respect at a funeral aspect.

People just dressed better in the 1960s.

Do they see it if you block them?

I am copying this to simplenote so I have it in case I need it at a zoom class reunion.  As it is, I’m wondering what I’m going to do if that weird colorist White Latina who used to spout verbal abuse at anyone without white skin starts in at me.  She was obsessed with my mom who is a white Pakistani with green eyes

Everything about this story has been triggering for me. I knew a girl just like this in school. Screamed blue murder at anyone not white and kissed ass to anyone white, especially if they were blonde. She was a white Latina herself. Being Pakistani, I know there is serious shadism in POC communities. Oh, and I think

The release date will change. The Second Wave is coming.

Nope, never followed her.  Found her annoying.  What kinds of weird things did she say?

A person I know of saw it happen on her daily mental health walk. She posted it to facebook so people would know it’s true.

Nah, Dick.

Oh, this makes me feel so good!

I am a Warren supporter. Sorry.