
Oh, no worries. They are actually super-racist and couldn’t give a rats ass about animal rights. Back she should go.

Oh not at all. Hence the gofundme. That KKK isn’t filled with just conservatives, I bet!

Honestly, so am I, in addition but that is because decency means treating treading this earth lightly. That means she should have followed the rules in the first place, leashed her dog, and been polite to people who asked her to when she realized she messed up. It does not mean having hysterics, being threatening and

But, but, but she lost her jerb! Overrr being scarrreeed! And her emotional support cocker spaniel! #whorescuedwho and all that.

Totally. Look at nearly all the candidates, and our current one.

Grabbing a woman while yelling what he did counts, you moron.  Do you try to be stupid, or does it come naturally?

It’s an assault and battery, and possibly some sort of reckless endangerment in these COVID-19 times, so, yeah, some prison.

He looks white.  A Dick.

Agreed. And on top of everything else, if they have the ability, namely family money, to help themselves, why not? I don’t see the point in hating people for having advantages I’d like to have. Plus, for their future careers, they are where they need to be and where they can most easily zoom-network with people at the

She will get past this. In a week or two, her gofundme will be at $200,000 KKK money despite her previous Barack Obama affiliations. Because she totally, secretly voted Trump.

How can her husband kick her and two small children out of a family home?  He should go live with the fling.  There is no way that is legal.

Gretchen Whitmer, and it’s unfair to compare someone who is working as hard as she is to save minority lives to Karen Klobochar.

We would never have had this with Warren.

Honestly, boring sounds pretty nice right now.

Wasn’t she aiding and abetting by not turning them in and testifying against them?

I was listening to his interview with Colbert and he was normalish and straightforward and not putting on weird voices. I actually liked him - until I cringed again.

I am also disgusted there is a place called Indialantic. I mean, ew.

I assume, first, that the Pope should be giving a dispensation for not getting communion right now, or for getting some sort of virtual one instead.  Second, at least wear a mask up until the point you have to take the wafer.  Something is better than nothing.

It’s the height of irony that the nicest, gentlest person at my riding school barn, a place full of “Karens”, who has done all the social distancing, is worried for people’s health, and will make you a mask if you want one, and keeps extras for people, is actually named Karen. But I digress.

We just agreed on the fedex driver twitter thread that they’re called Dicks.