
I’m sure that guy who lost earned $1 million for faking it.

It’s not the final episode.  9 is coming on September 17th.

I thought the real reason was to harass any and all women Taliban-style since you couldn’t actually prove a pregnancy or abortion under two months.

Northam has his quirks, but I think he has changed from his younger days, or tries to show he has changed, and if that has a good effect, so be it.

Why? If anything in Islam people aren’t actually supposed to comment on other people’s sex lives.  Do a little research before you call something a copout.

And the Asian and middle eastern groups who get counted as “white” when it’s convenient for racists and republicans for voting purposes, like white-skinned Iranians and Arabs and lighter-skinned Far East and SE Asians.

Clarifying: “Non-Hispanic whites are the minority in California, New Mexico, Hawaii, Maryland, Nevada and Texas.” Meaning they are the minority ethnicity, and other ethnities are the plurality?  So, Republicans can only win by cheating?

What did people do without dryers?  I come from a culture where people scrub down hard with their hands.

I want to know when that crazy NJ Mall arm-biter tantrum-thrower is getting charged or fired or kicked out of her apartment or something!

I don’t even touch people’s pets.

I’m laughing so much at your last sentence.  

On youtube, I recommend the restorative yoga practices by Yoga with Bird and Melissa West Yoga and the meditations by Yoga in Melbourne.

I don’t see what’s wrong with Harry waiting for his grandma, who is close to 100, for Heaven’s sake, to pass on, to write his memoir about his rotten dad and brother. He doesn’t need to create stress for her knowing they will whine to her. No one lives forever: she knows it too.

Hahahaha, sorry Piers!

No, they simply renounced the seniority part and all the duties and extras that came with it. They never gave up their actual titles.  

And it should have bought them appropriate in-home therapy, instead of being denied any treatment and having car keys taking away.  I really thought they were acting like Saudis.

I’m fine either way. If they do S2, I prefer they do it sooner than later, though.

Maybe it was the writers' way to get picked up for s2?

It should get more single cam as reality hits Kevin.

Only a misogynist would call it mediocre.