Saki Boo

Yeah, the MPAA seems a lot harsher on nudity and sex than violence, which seems a bit backwards to me. I recently watched a clip of John Oliver's show where he mentioned that France gave 50 Shades of Grey a PG 12 rating, and that some on the board actually thought that was even too restrictive.

I have no experience with ketamine, but I found this on

I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 36 and have now also been cancer free for about two years.
May we both have long, happy lives without reoccurrences!

My Life in France by Julia Child and Alex Prud'Homme. Was inspired to read it after watching Julia Sans Julie on the internet. What a cool lady. I also find it inspiring that she only started to learn how to cook in her mid to late 30's, and became amazing at it. It's never too late to learn something new or change

I recently got the audiobook of The Return of the Native. I loved Hardy's Far From the Madding Crowd, and The Return of the Native sounded like one of his less depressing books (though I could be wrong). I'm normally not a big fan of audiobooks, but this one is read by Alan Rickman, whose voice I love, so I'm really

My father suddenly stopped breathing at home while taking a nap on the couch (age 59). EMS was called, and they coded him for some time, but finally pronounced him dead in a nearby ER. At that time, I lived across the country and found out about all this when my borther called to let me know Dad had died. I can't

It is a great show, and I was really happy to see that Netflix got the second season.

Thanks! Interestingly, I read that the soundtrack was originally going to be released as a clear record that had been filled with multicolored fluid inside. I suspect that it was to replicate the look of the black hole as it spun around on the record player. Unfortunately, it was abandoned due to cost. That would have

Cool! Thanks for bringing that up. Will check it out.

While I am glad to hear that whatever is wrong with your cat can be treated, you have my condolences re: long term antibiotics. Two of my cats had to have teeth pulled this past weekend, and giving them pain medication twice a day was a pain in the ass. Happily, my spouse and I had to do it for only two days. I can't

I watched Disney's The Black Hole, which I had never seen before. My expectations for the movie were quite low, but I was pleasantly surprised.

I love it, too. It is my spouse's favorite Peter Jackson movie. People complain about how long King Kong is, but I never felt that way and suspect that if it was shorter, I would not be nearly as invested in the characters. The Hobbit on the other hand…..

It was an Op-Ed piece in the New York Times called, "In Zimbabwe, We Don't Cry for Lions".

Peter Jackson's King Kong. I have never cried so hard or so long, not only for a fictional character, but a CGI one at that.


Yeah, I see what you mean. After I read your post, I looked it up on Amazon and each season is going for around $80!

Thanks for the recommendation. Will check it out.

I'm curious about why you disliked Spirited Away. "Gross sexual overtones" - what are you referring to? I discussed this with my spouse, and we couldn't figure out what you could be thinking of.

I would be a lot more excited about this if it had Mei and the Kitten Bus short. On the plus side, since I already own about 90% of his movies, at least this spares me from having to justify spending hundreds of dollars for a 13 minute movie.

In the beginning, much of my anime exposure came from Adult Swim or whatever else happened to make it's way on to network television (e.g. Cardcaptors leading me to Cardcaptor Sakura), which made it easy to purchase. As I've explored more, I have come to realize that a lot of anime is as you've said: only streaming