Saki Boo

Are you referring to A New Hope? Huh. I don't think that is it but I could be wrong. Will have to rewatch it. Thanks!

I wonder if someone can help me out. I remember watching either a movie or tv show many years ago but cannot remember the title. The scene involves a mother bathing a child in what appears to be an old copper tub. The room is otherwise dark. The camera pans around. When you first see the boy, he is young, but

If you haven't already, you could try Comfort Zone Feliway Multicat Diffuser. It plugs into an outlet and slowly releases something similar to a cat pheromone that helps calm the cats. It's intended to help decrease multicat conflict and tension. Amazon carries it as well as many pet supply boxstores.
Good luck!

Finished both Nineteen Eighty Four (book) and The Killing Fields (movie).

Pretty much.

Also, per The New York Times:




Who is with Viggo Mortensen?


I would have liked Hell Or High Water to have won, but at least it wasn't La La Land.

Not Arrival? :(

Thanks for helping clarify this! I'm glad to hear that it is mostly self contained, but kinda bummed that it may become less so. I think I'll start with the two main books, and if I get really into the story line, may try to follow it as it meanders to other series.

Thanks! That's exactly what I needed.

I've never read a Capt America comic and generally only read comics when a storyline has been complied into a trade paperback (not sure what the correct name is). However, upon reading the comments in this section, I am really curious about this "Nazi Cap" storyline, and just want to clarify: which issues do I need

*Some vague spoilers*

The first half of Fullmetal Alchemist does some things better (certain characters's deaths for example), but overall, I think that Brotherhood is a better story start to finish than the first series. I really hated the ending of the first series.

While not my favorite Miyazaki film, I think it is a very strong film, and given that it was so early in his career makes it even more impressive to me. If you haven't already read it, I highly recommend the manga.

I have not read any of the Wonder Woman comics, but the review of The Legend of Wonder Woman posted today has me interested in reading some of her books, and your post makes me curious about Gail Simone's work. I looked her up on Amazon, and several titles came up. Is there a series that you were referring to in