doing this is as useful as doing my job

Or HBO rejected his spec script about a brash blogger who is constantly fighting lawsuits and exposing hypocrisy while juggling a hectic social life

Yeah, I guess in your super giggly excitement at supposedly catching someone in an act of hypocrisy you missed the comments on that article where dozens of Jezebel posters found the list to be bullshit and indefensible and not funny at all.

When someone points out your unrecognized misogyny, the smart move is to examine yourself, not attack and mansplain. Just sayin’.

Oh, so now you’re the victim?

This entire document - and in fact many of the comments you mention and find acceptable - reduce women to nothing more than their “fuckability.” Women don’t exist to make your boner happy.

For me, it’s that this was not a conversation amongst friends, this was a dedicated platform to systematically rank and file women. A system and process that didn’t just involve a small group of friends, but an entire team of men.

So... you’re basing your comment on jack shit.

“But” You lost me at “but”. You negate anything you might have to say that would mean anything when you put it in the context of “but”.

In my value system, I hope they do, but it’s not really relevant... if folks prefer the services over other services there may be OTHER reason they prefer it... and in terms of their every day lives, other issues may rank lower.

And you’re also just now moving the goalposts. NONE of your originals posts in this thread mention the word “title” once.

Did you even read the letter that they wrote?

Your reasoning is a load of crap.

As a woman, it’s a big deal to me because I have no way of know which of my friends, peers, or colleagues completely ignores all other aspects of my being and only discusses me as a compilation of body parts that they would like to molest in one way or another as soon as I walk out the door. It makes me feel as though

They weren’t just discussing women they knew and were attracted to, they were going through and rating the women on the soccer team. It was systematic and gross. These should have been their fellow athletes but they were acting like it was a stock sale.

I want to hear what others have to say and I don’t want to propose this as the only reason this list was problematic, but here’s my best idea. The fact that it was a *list* is part of why it’s fucked up. When you or I or anybody thinks or talks about an individual who we find attractive, it’s exactly that - an individu

I’m guessing you haven’t read any excerpts from the list. If your guy talk with friends is that cruel, I wouldn’t want to be friends with you. Read what was said about the unattractive women.

I forgot about this. But, to be fair:

“I consider myself to be more respectful to women than the average guy”

Where is the logical hole? I could see an argument about the validity of the sample sizes, “ethnic name choices’ etc - but you are accusing the author of something that was clearly not written here — that white people are the accused.

I agree to an extent. If you want to make that point, it certainly changes the tone of the article, which is “group A is beating up against group B.”