If asking why it’s not acceptable isn’t the same thing as viewing something as acceptable...Can you parse your comment a bit.
Because, to me, if you thought it was unacceptable...why would you need to ask why it is?
If asking why it’s not acceptable isn’t the same thing as viewing something as acceptable...Can you parse your comment a bit.
Because, to me, if you thought it was unacceptable...why would you need to ask why it is?
You don’t get to question why a list like this is bad...and then feel sorry for yourself after the vast majority of responses have been FAR more respectful than you deserve.
Translation: I want to have data that I can use to prove black Uber drivers are just as racist as white Uber drivers...because somehow that would mean that racism doesn’t exist.
*says logic
Yeah. PhDs are fucking lazy. What do they know.
You’re right. Incomparable.
Freedom!!!!! /s
It’s okay when Uber does it. But not when taxis do it.
Stephen Colbert’s color-blind persona...is that you?
My guess: Someone spoilered an HBO show Nolan likes, and he’s throwing a sour grapes tantrum.
“Who cares. HBO shows are a stupid waste of time, anyway.”
Actually, I take that example back. The concept of ‘sour grapes’ is a fable from Aesop. And thus fiction. And clearly fiction has nothing to teach us about this world.…
Nolan would argue Star Trek is fake, and you’re not nearly as smart as him for thinking about it.
What’s wrong with a piece like that? I know you said it to mock the concept...
But if climate change and evolution denying folks think that watching Big Bang Theory gives validity to their opinions on science topics...isn’t that a problem?
Upton Sinclair, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Toni Morrison, Charles Dickens, John Steinbeck, Horatio Alger, Richard Wright, Ralph Ellison, Ayn Rand, Harper Lee, and probably some others question whether the things you claim about the efficacy of fiction are reality...or if you’ve merely created your own fiction to complain…