Khal Brogo

What, um.....what, pray tell, are you selling? And for how much?


It’s sad we even think like this.

Afte throwing a Galaxy Note 7 off of a building......

Feige: Um, we never talked about killing Cap in this, right? No.

Sounds like this new Raptor could really open doors for long-distance space travel. Clever girl!

It is a way to give “cosplaying” children Maui’s tattoos without printing those water-based things on your children from neck to waist and all down the arms. If it were too light-colored (to match other skin-tones) you’d be offended. If it was just the leaf-toga then little boys’ wouldn’t’ve wanted it because the

It’s actually a professional term. Doctor’s are doctor’s; chefs are chefs; presidents are presidents; coaches are failures in the booth; officers are officers... etc.

More cupholders.

Very disappointing. I misread that second paragraph to read the cops had shot Rudy Giuliani.

Police shooting windshields is just their latest pushback against the calls for transparency.

Was the windshield tinted black?

Once shots were fired, however, the station quickly cut to Rudy Giuliani at a conference.

I’m sorry. We’ll have to flag your comment for breaking the prime directive.

I think the moment that you adopt an editing policy on these sort of leaks, you enter into some very dangerous waters (not that releasing confidential information isn’t already dangerous...).

I thought it was pretty strange when I first heard it. Of course Takei is a well-known gay activist, but Trek is also pretty well-known for avoiding LGBT issues (at least in the main series), and Generations confirmed that the character had at least one heterosexual relationship and had a daughter.

It should be noted when discussing system failures on equipment like this that Curiosity was commissioned for a two-year mission and landed on Mars August 6, 2012. Its predecessors Spirit and Opportunity performed so well, and so far past their operational expectations, that Curiosity’s mission was extended from 2014

...280 giganewtons, which he compared to 100 million cars falling down the slope...