Khal Brogo

“The B-21 Raider‘s official budget is a secret,” because if you ask how much money your government needs to spend to bomb tents and pickup trucks in third world countries without radar or air defenses, the terrorists win, right?

Sorry, but you lost me at Dicke 6.0 mm .

I know that this is great for the developing world and all, but lets face it: I can’t be the only one whose first thought was buuying one to turn into my own personal zombie apocalypse-mobile.

This is great, but my best friend’s second cousin’s coworker saw on yahoo answers that there was once a study that has since been retracted that vaccines increase the incident of autism by 0.00006%. We can’t afford to take any chances can we?

You accuse Putin of something like this, his response will be one of two things: Deny, deny deny. Or claim he did it himself, bare-chested while riding an actual bear. Kinda disappointed he went with the former.

It’s behind a paywall, no one is forcing you to watch these scenes, yet you are arguing we should censor it for everyone else who views it voluntarily?

“They are just going to be born into and die in a very limited environment with a very small pool of people, with no options to ever go elsewhere.”

Thank you, that kind of pedantry really helps the discussion, and doesn’t muddy the issue at all. Saying “Well, technically the climate always changes, it’s just changing a lot faster now.” is as helpful as saying “The fall didn’t technically kill him, it was the sudden stop at the bottom.” Nobody thinks you’re

I don’t get why there are dirty dishes if you have kids. Make the little hooligans wash the dishes. Growing up in my family, if we kids didn’t do the dishes or otherwise help with the cooking and cleaning, we didn’t eat. We never ran out of clean dishes.

All I can think watching that Gif is “That’s not how you crack eggs!” seriously, is there a recipe that calls for the yolks, whites, and shells or somehthing, I don’t get it.

Ned and Cat’s marriage was not expected to begin with and Ned left for Robert’s Rebellion very early in the marriage. When he returned with Jon, they had spent more of their marriage apart than together, and wouldn’t have really known each other much at all before marriage. It’s understandable that Ned wouldn’t trust

Elevation change occurs regardless of whether you take the stairs or jump from the roof. The difference is in the rate of change.

It’s easy to not have kids for the average Kinja commentator, most don’t even know where to find women. But for a young person in a warzone captured by the Islamic state and forced into sex slavery, not so much.

Are we sure its Harry Potter and Trump specifically? I’ve long had a hypothesis that reading drives one away from the Republican party.

Look I have similar feelings on the candidates. I’m opposed to political dynasties, and of the last 9 wining presidential tickets, only two had neither a Bush nor a Clinton. That doesn’t mean a Trump vote though. Going to watch the polls and try to get a respectable showing for a third party so they can qualify for

I totally agree, half because its a great way to slip in an LGBT character in a lead role, and half because I’d love to watch the internet/fandom/bro-dom’s collective freakout.

Worked for Big Tobacco, popularized lite beer, and was a Commie? What an A-hole.

Captain Kirk never cared about no stinkin prime directive.

Not if you have negative net worth like a lot of people. Then you’re worth more. If you have money, you were probably for staying, if you don’t you were probably for leave.

I’m betting Dorne is where Varys is heading.