
I kind of like that it is more expensive. I feel for my health that I should be eating less beef so since it’s more expensive I buy less.

Which brings up a problem with Comics in general. If you have the ability to heal people and spend your days fighting crime instead of walking through hospitals curing everyone you can lay hands are, are your actions immoral?

I bought that version of the Palm Pilot! It ended up in the possession of a co-worker who repurposed it into an ODB reader for his Merkur XR4ti.

“Gravity... not just a good idea... it’s the law.”

I have the VHS box set from before they did all the digital retouches too. No, I don’t have a VHS player, but I’ll be damned if I’ll ever give up these tapes.

The thing is, the graphing calculator apps always seem a bit more clunky to use (at least to me) than the dedicated calculators ever did. Personally I preferred my Casio... it was much sleeker Fx-7000-G if I remember correctly.

Honestly chewing through battery life and slogging in and out of the app turns me off from doing that, the calculator just works and that’s why I would never get rid of it.

May I suggest an alternative source?

I came here to post this. With emulators and digital re-releases, I don’t know if I’ll ever boot it up again, but it’s coming to the grave with me.

I once left a game of Super Mario Brothers 3 going on pause for a week and a half. Nothing ever happened to the system. They really don’ make’em like they used to :(

I....can get around that copy protection :-)

God, I wish I could get rid of my books. Recently moved and realized how terrible a thing it is to move 1,500 of the bastards.

I don’t understand them trying to make us hate Pope, we already hated him from the start, when he was introduced as a rapist.

Hmmmm...Falling Skies? It’s constantly changing showrunners and direction have really left it twitching in a quite substantial fashion.


They could, but they actually want this project to SUCCEED #suckitCarthage #PAXROMANA

Everyone after beating Nightmare mode

“Oh, and The Strain killed off the entire Spec Ops Ninja Vampire Squad.”

I feel like the “wandering stranger” character and story is perfect for The Hulk. That’s probably part of what made the Lou Forigno Hulk show somewhat popular back in the day. If Marvel could capture that kind of atmosphere for a new set of Hulk movies it would probably work out pretty well.