
I actually got to meet him. Really sweet, genuine guy. Even better looking in person too!

And people say art school doesn’t pay off.

You bet your ass I do.

Tomorrow I leave for a two week vacation in Berlin, Amsterdam, and Vilnius.

Its funny because Cobra was based on Hydra. The Marvel GI Joe comic was re purposed from a planned SHIELD VS Hydra comic.

What’s just with the giant octopus hat?

I literally said almost the exact same thing to the buddy of mine WAY into Star Wars. Like, you watch shows like Star Trek, (and plenty of other sci fi shows), and they get the weekly game breaking macguff, and that’s the last you ever hear of it. That’s why SG-1 will always be one of my favorite sci fi shows of all

I just love that so much about the show. Humanity starts out as this group of scrappy little genre savvy guerilla fighters, barely eking by but occasionally getting access to some alien tech, to the great defenders of the universe by the end of it. They get a little weapon or doodad in an episode, rip it apart, learn

Would the O’Neill destroy them by blowing itself up? Because that’s about the only thing we know it could do.

Valar Meowgulis

See Pounce. The only one who deserves to sit/nap on the Iron throne.

Any documentary that ends with the line

That’s a bit simplistic. Here’s what the WHO has to say on birth control pills: