
Me, during this panel.

I honestly couldn’t be less excited. Hollywood could have adapted a plethora of great fantasy novels. Instead we get a movie based on a generic fantasy property whose popularity hit its peak four or five years ago. This film will be more Dungeons & Dragons the movie than Lord of the Rings.

One of my pet peeves now is how thrift stores like Goodwill, use Ebay as their go-to source to price items they think might be “valuable”. They apparently don’t even look at what the items have sold for, they just look at what they are listed as, and think that is what they are worth. It seems half the time they are

But Congo is awesome. It had lasers and gorillas!

The best way to have a collectible go up in value is to figure out what to collect that (a) no one else is collecting and (b) will develop a market in 15-20 years. Since that’s basically impossible, the whole notion of collecting as an investment falls immediately apart.

And some must be locked away forever, for the safety of the world.

Let’s find out.

And Bender, don’t forget him!

I have a co-worker who had a similar thing happen with the big, metal screws that were put in when she broke her heel. *shudder*

“When a popular online game is shutdown, one boy refuses to log off—and then finds himself transformed into a powerful skeleton wizard as the game world becomes real.”

I think its a balance. You need to recognize what works and what doesn’t from the source material.

Now playing

Actually it probably won’t get very far before some Klingon douche blows it up.

All hail V’ger!

Agggh. . poor Steve!

hah yeah I’m currently editing a horror feature with probably one of the worst scripts dialogue-wise that I’ve ever worked on, but even this badly written script has more going on story/character wise that at least makes it watchable... Sad to think I’ve made movies 10x more watchable than this with 1/1000 the budget

You made me do this. Just remember that.

Maybe another take-home for he and any other producer, writer, or director out there should be this: If you don't like any of the source material, maybe you should pass on the project to let somebody who gives a damn take it, that way you're way less inclined to half-ass things right from the start.

I have to say there’s only two or three movies I couldn’t watch all the way through and Cowboy vs Aliens was one. I couldn’t even watch after the first 30 minutes. At the 30 minute Mark I was like “Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford, Olivia Wilde and the director of Iron Man!!! Yet somehow this movie has made me feel nothing