
My Pet Theory: It’s all because of Klingons. For centuries the Star Trek big bad were Klingons. Klingons believe killing children is dishonorable. Boom! All of a sudden Star Fleet vessels have a shit tonne of kids aboard. Star Fleet is using those kids as meat shields.

Perhaps the kids are saying “So you want to leave me at home on Earth with Aunt Pat while you go out in to the galaxy on a six month mission? Screw that, take me with you.”

Then you might end up with babies that are somehow a different species due to the nature of space-travel. Looking at you, Melody Pond from Doctor Who.

Well, I’m just glad things turned out well for little Newt, I’m sure she went on to have a wonderful life with her adoptive mother, Ripley...wait, what happened in the next movie!?

One of the many advantages of the Defiant. No suites, no families, no lounges, no holodecks, just guns. Guns and engines. And more guns.

To be fair, there are many times in reality where children were placed in jeopardy because of their parent’s desire to colonize, explore or even trade. A covered wagon on the Oregon Trail was a HUGELY deadly endeavor....go ahead get the dysentery joke about the children of the first settlers in the Americas?

Penny Arcade’s brilliant “New Kid” concept got picked up by some movie studio, and I’d really like to see it:

York in the UK is a most fascinating city. A visit years ago was a revelation as to the virtual

Wouldn’t it be funny if the space bounty hunters were like real life bounty hunters — chasing down people who forget to make the weekly call to their bail bondsman, charging in with complete overkill, accidentally shooting and killing the wrong person every once in awhile...

And his last line was sort of an acceptance of it. Which was a nice touch.

Varys and Tyrion reunited! Yay!!! Show Meereen who’s boss, Hand of the Queen. The Spider (probably) has your back :-)

I read that sauerkraut is also a good source of vitamin C and, being pickled, keeps pretty well for early sea voyages.

Siobhan isn’t the original herself, but the original’s daughter.

“I got refund.” Helena has the best lines.

I know it’s not that simple, but funding sciences really shouldn’t be an either/or proposition when it comes to different fields. It should a “Yes please!” situation.

Yes, although I do feel like there was a time Steven Weber played good guys but I feel like that’s never been that case for Tony Goldwyn.

Steven Weber will always be Tim Daly’s brother from Wings to me.

I love the idea of the hero being attached to “their anonymous heroic lifestyle.” It builds off what they talk about a lot in Batman Begins. Batman has to be a symbol, an idea. You cannot kill an idea or a symbol. You can kill a man.