
Brings us back to this classic from 3 years ago:

George’s official title at HBO is CBO: Chief Boobs Officer

One word: Aerosmith. That was the era when if it had a good theme song then it was a blockbuster.

Have you seen the Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs movie? They take a great shot at this movie where the giant food is only destroying famous landmarks.

Seriously just those two lines have me pissing myself... “how hard can it be? Aim the drill at the ground and turn it on....”

OMG I feel the need to listen to Affleck’s entire commentary now. It must be hilarious.


The best ship-based P&P RPG I played solved this problem by having every player have three characters, and you could generate replacements (this was on a larger, capital-ship-style ship) as appropriate if/when (more when!) they were killed off.

Depending on the game and the GM yes. Very much so. I ran a Spelljammer game actually. The players when they did die usually did it doing something insanely foolish, but fun too lol.

Yeah. I’m pretty OK with that.

Make lots of PCs at the beginning, see which ones make it past level 1! ;)

Sort of the opposite, it stopped my game from being killed by players who couldn’t commit to a weekly game.

And FIFA. Don’t forget FIFA.

When my group ran a game using the Cortex system, our GM solved that problem by putting us in a cargo freighter with no guns on it. We had to work to avoid situations that might call for space combat or flee as quickly as possible should they arise, because we were entirely unequipped for it. We spent our time in

I actually have gotten complaints that I am not brutal enough. I start to love their characters and it is hard actually killing them when they mess up really bad.

Modern day setting RPGs are a tougher challenge than fantasy. With fantasy you have magical protection, healing, ressurection and such. When you are in a modern (or future) setting then things are just more lethal.