
The historian Peter Brown in “The World of Late Antiquity” made a case for a hermit as a personal link with God for a community. They were oracles, captive gurus, and good luck charms IN LATE ANTIQUITY, that is.

I thought the first two thirds of the book suffered greatly from deliberate slowness, but the first episode actually moves quite briskly and leaves us with some very important plot points solidly established: the gentleman with the thistle-down hair, the raising of the dead, Vinculus’ prophecy and Strange’s newfound

Speaking of fancy Roman shoes for kids, Caligula got his soubriquet from the boots he wore when he accompanied his father on campaign in Germany. It means “Little Boots” or even “Bootsie”!

It’s being cited for pace, not slow pace. I’ve heard people say it felt rushed, or moving too fast.

Its is such a slow book. I went to Wikipedia to check on a few points, the entire massive thing is summed up in less than 1000 words (est). That’s hilarious to me.

I think she even played the table lamp...

Hmm, I thought Paul was looking a little different. And I’ll have to keep an eye out for Kira whenever she comes back because she’ll probably be Tatiana too.

“Damnit Tatiana!”

Ugh. I was okay with it up until Quentin’s entrance exam. I know that they had to make it showy for television, but in the book his “magic trick” is incredibly subtle, so subtle that not even he knew that he was doing it until the teachers caught it at the exam. Also, he needs to be gawkier looking, imo.

I feel like a big part of the reason Last Action Hero bombed was because people didn’t really understand that it was mostly satire. Glad to see it included here.

My favorite non-action action hero. Runs from trouble every chance he gets and beats the bad guys with his brains. Damn, I love this movie despite the ridiculousness of no one knowing that’s Val Kilmer every time.

When I was visiting my cousins and their three-year-old daughter, the daughter asked me what “indeed” meant since I kept saying it. I... couldn’t explain? What does “indeed” mean, anyway? And why can’t I stop saying it?



Growing up as a gay nerd, I was a pretty nice kid over all... but the few times girls showed interest in me, I was not so very nice to them.

Squirrel Girl, the most powerful being in the Marvel Universe. She once defeated Kraven the Hunter by convincing him to give up going after Spider-Man.

Actually, rewrites autoexec.bat to "format C:\ -y" and forces a reboot.

I have to agree with you! I hated Tob Bombadil the first, second, third, fourth, fifth and the sixth time I read the books. I’m SO HAPPY they cut him out of the movies! However I do like the books in general. They also seem easier to read each time. I dunno why. :P