
“I’m blind, my son’s a worm, yeah everything’s GREAT!”

I thought about LRH but decided to stick with the OG.

Paul was playing the long game. In the short run the Emperor and the Harkonens were the better option but that path would have eventually led humanity down the path to extinction.

Another thing to mention, connected to what you said about it feeling like 90s anime, is that the manga was written by the creator of Trigun. Just throwing that out there.

Nice pic btw.

Conditioned by years of JPRGs, where I hoard every potion, every useless trinket I can because they’ll be useful later, my kleptomania kicked into high gear the very first moments I started playing Elder Scrolls Oblivion for the first time and, conditioned, began taking every spoon, cup, rock, pair of pants, bone


I think you would enjoy a bit of fan fiction called Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. I heard about it here on io9 a while back. Hpmor.Com

handle? I thrive on that shit!! I’ll be sure to check it out

I don’t think this was covered in the books, but I could take a stab at an explanation. Goblins are in charge of the money supply. Presumably, they can use goblin magic to prevent or detect forgeries. For example, it’s been established that goblins can tell the difference between genuine goblin-forged items and


Haha yeah, but I kind of like that about Bombadil, he partially just seems to not give a fuck. I’ve always perceived him as supremely powerful in his element (an area of land that is shrinking), knowing that his time is up when the land is gone, but being ambivalent as to that eventual outcome. Now that’s a character

Also, damn but Thorin and Bilbo could have worked. Dragon sickness and Bilbo’s betrayal would have really been something in light of that.

That’s true, female dwarves would have let them stand out a bit. I’m still not sure which is which other than the main 5 or so.

Another point that bothered me of Harry Potter, we know by book 5 that the Minister of Magic and the Prime Minister communicate, and at that point the Death Eaters are basically terrorists and thugs.

Yeah, it was nice having more “everyday citizen” AIs in a story. It was also interesting (though perhaps a little human-centric) how even some of the absurdly intelligent minds ended up fixated on petty matters (like that same ship’s obsession with having that woman and her ex-lover reconcile).

Part of the drone thing

For me the most frustrating part of Use of Weapons wasn’t the reveal that Zakalwe wasn’t really Zakalwe but that he had turned on the family that raised him and killed the girl he had been in a relationship with. I didn’t understand why he did it and it made the book - which I wasn’t already that in love with - even

I’ll take “it’s over a decade old” for $2,000, Alex!

I preferred the British art; it looked less busy and more elegant:

From what I understand its Bradley Cooper’s dream project and he’s been campaigning for it to get done for a couple years and has put together as much as he can to try and make it a reality