
Really? I think of YA as like... Grade and High school age. College age kids that read are usually reading full adult books.

Yeah, I guess Batman was still recognizably Batman in Forever.... I could see that making a big difference. When I watched Forever it was years after it came out... by that time I was totally over Jim Carrey, if I ever liked him to begin with.

Ender’s Game felt like they got the look of all the special effects right, but didn’t have the budget to give it the screen time it needed.... so much of the book was spent in the zero gee games Battleschool, but not a lot of the movie was.

It was really the Ender’s Shadow books that got really bad.... Early Card had some gay characters that were decent folks, Songmaster and those Book of Mormon books come to mind.

The last 10 to 15 years, I think? The experience of an isolated smart kid resonates with a lot of children, as does the children are special and smarter than adults vibe, even if it is brutal and weird. Teachers that liked it as teens put it into their curriculum for a while... I’m not sure if they still do thanks to

Ender’s Game is almost instructively bad (I watched on HBO! I didn’t support OSC!). They changed a lot of the story around to stream line it, but in doing so they took the focus away from Battleschool, and turned the portion of the book where Ender actually grows up and learns into a couple of games and a montage.

Yeah, I think as an American, I tend to picture it as a red meat like beef, and that’s not really accurate (though maybe with the right preparation?). But that’s the case with a lot of sea going mammals and birds... I hear penguin tastes really bad, probably seal is the same.

I guess it was tougher for me, coming off of Batman TAS, where the Riddler and Two Face are super serious to see sooooo much camp and so many villain tropes. How many times are you gonna not shoot the hero and make him choose who to save?

Well, you can certainly have financially successful movies that still set a franchise on a collision course with doom. Batman Forever, to my eyes, was just as terrible as Batman and Robin, but it made a lot of money, but then they carried on in that vane and destroyed the franchise for years and years.

I think it will make a lot of money, but it could still be considered underpreforming if it doesn’t make Star Wars or Avengers money. They must have dumped a ton of money into advertising this beast, and its the basis for a vast number of other films that cost huge bucks too.

Ultimately it’s the end consumers that drive the market though. If China wasn’t paying huge amounts of money for ivory and shark fins, the poachers wouldn’t be doing it. I can sympathize a lot more with the poor Africans trying to feed their family killing an elephant than I can with the rich person who cares more

From what I’ve been told, and read, you can get whale meat, but it’s not popular, and declining in popularity to the point that they grind the poor things up and put it into pet food. The Japanese don’t quite have the notion of whales being magestic to the point of inedible that we do though. My friend who tried it

It’s possible to make Superman interesting. Just difficult in 2 hours, I think.

I definitely like #9. Its good to have villains that are pursuing their own plans that don’t involve the hero at all. Buffy also gave most of its major villains their own support groups and friends as well as disposable minions, and that really served to show off other aspects of their character. I think that’s why

That’s fair enough, but it’s the weird proportion that gets me... I’m sure they’ve used real tigers for inspiration, but you’d think that if he was lame and withered, his head would seem even bigger?

That is a weird looking tiger. His head is really small compared to the rest of his body, and he’s super ripped. But maybe I’m just used to really well fed murican zoo tigers?


Certainly globalization means that while there aren’t ever going to be that many armorsmiths or tailors making midieval armor or clothing, the ones that do can find a wider customer base than ever before, which helps make these sorts of events more popular.

You can really tell that the other competitors are just as interested in seeing their competitors designs come out well. There’s still some drama when two people have to work on the same team and they struggle to get their work in harmony, but that seems unavoidable. What’s even nicer is that usually the helpful