
Ted Cruz, for Mouth of Sauron!

Does this means Goliath wins and gets a happy ending?

Got in early to get out early, so I have time to hit the Ramen joint

The local theater is showing an old favorite tonight.

Ah, memories. Some friends of mine actually did a replica of the Battle of Trafalgar with the WCII engine for a school report once. Zug Zug.

For me, it’s that hair cut and beard. They need a beard judger on set to tell this guy that it’s just not working.

Half Life did a lot of things that I had never seen in a video game before. Shooting down helicopters, launching rockets, giant tentacle monsters, or even simple stuff like soldiers that changed how they attacked depending on what you did. I swear, those army jerks always managed to get behind me.

The issue is that price really only makes sense for family/group movie goers. No one is going to pay $50 to see a movie at their house by themselves, unless they’re a Star Wars fan with consumption. I get why they would want to set that bar so high, but you’re not going to impulse buy a movie if the price is $50

I think that there will always be movie theaters, just because there will always be a desire to see a big movie on a big screen. But we’re already getting to the point where there doesn’t need to be as many of them, and a lot of movies would probably make a better profit just going right to VOD rather than being shown

Maybe it’s been asked before, but what about people wearing eye glasses? I have problems with 3D movies while wearing mine, I can’t imagine wearing VR goggles with them will be much fun.

I’ve probably logged more hours into Baldur’s Gate 2 than any other game. It’s interesting that, for a game that is easy to break, it’s still satisfying to go back and try to break it in a different way. Or to kit up a single character and see how much havoc they can cause on their own.

I would love a really dramatic moment where the cigarette stubbornly failed to light some gasoline. Or lighting a match near an area with a lot of aerosolized fuel would cause a huge room busting explosion rather than a fire.

Hah, I was more impressed by that woman accidentally charging an iron rod.

Oh sure. I'm just saying that it would be a mistake to imagine that animism implies a peaceful communion with nature.

Don’t get me wrong... I’m certainly not opposed to other people liking this sort of stuff, and I do like some Urban Fantasy... The Magicians, Kraken, American Gods, all good stuff. I think you could easily make a story fast paced and interesting enough that no one would stop to think “hey, what about the Celts...”

Yeah, it’s not like I had a problem with The Magicians, for instance.

Yeah, but, more than any of the other horrifying things that nature does to people? Are vampires really that much worse than someone with extreme deformities? Is a werewolf attack that much more traumatic than the kind of thing that happens in Syria on a weekend?

Liking a certain consistency in the world building of my fiction does not mean that I expect fiction to be reality. I enjoy anime, but I start to get tired of seeing people stabbed through the chest and somehow never die. You can’t just say “it’s fiction, and he’s strong” and expect that to cover over what is blatant

Ah, ‘science is a belief system’ is where our paths of thinking divide. Plenty of stuff about the current scientific understanding of the universe is deeply lonely, isolating, and upsetting, but that doesn’t exactly stop people from continuing with it, does it? Not finding a soul, a heaven, or a God immediately

I think you would be hard pressed to find any country on earth that doesn’t have some sort of morass of racial neuroses. Unless you’re from Iceland, maybe?