
While I agree in general, there was something immensely satisfying about seeing a human made ship kick the tar out of a Wraith or Ori ship with their cool new Asguard beam weapons, after season after season of having to manually climb onto an alien ship and laboriously blow it up from the inside.

Being able to convert most your companions to the Dark Side made it feel a lot more viable of an option, while in K1 you ended up murdering your good party members. When I played it, I spared a few of the Jedi I was sent after, without really affecting my Dark Side powers too, which was nice. Maybe the evil options

I’m sure there was some SG1 involvement.

The stupid, it’s like a blow to the head.

Yeah.... she is a little further along the spectrum of campy to creepy.

I’m not sure I care about Power Rangers, but if you want someone to really sell a line like Make My Monster Grow, she’s about the best you could get (assuming you don’t have Tilda Swinton money)

I also think that having it voice acted naturally changes the way you’d write too.... people don’t speak paragraphs at each other as part of normal conversation.

I think the most lasting memory I have of Torment is just how much of my time was spent finessing that ageless jerks tats and stats so that I could get every dialogue option available to me. I don’t envy these early players... I imagine for every choice you see, there are so many hidden beneath the surface, waiting

This discussion makes me think of how it was when, after my girlfriend and I finished Oblivion a year or two ago after having missed it the first time, we fired up Morrowind, which I hadn’t played since the early 2000s. I expected that the graphics would be terrible, but I had forgotten that from moment one of the

Fire all the things!

80s, you say!

All caught up on Person of Interest

Mmm. Yeah, that would be a much better solution.

Another detail that I thought was really cool was that Mulder references Mount Saint Helens bringing up a lot of radioactive materials and causing terrifying microbes to develop within Spirit lake, which, while nonsense, does reference the real event of people getting sick from weird microbes that grew in the ash

I feel like the question of, how do we make cool arrows in the future has already been answered.

The answer is simple

Darkness Falls was one of my favorites. Spooky bioluminescent mites that were covering everything and only held at bay by light, in a remote area with a limited amount of fuel?

And also it’s just a good place to talk with other fans. So many of my real life friends are watching different shows, or waiting for good shows to finish so they can binge them all at once, or are on different seasons that I can’t really talk about how Orphan Black gets the science right with anyonee else.

Dogma really has some deep and shallow moments.... you knock a shit gollum out with air freshener at one moment, and then have scene after scene where characters are just crushed by the misrule and capriciousness of God.

It’s pretty easy to make a game that is challenging and rewarding without forcing you to grind content. But it makes for a shorter game... I can understand why MMOs don’t want that, but I never felt a sense achievement finally getting my pants after killing the same boss for the 25th time. By that point, the game