
Fair enough, but as wikipedia says:

I guess I don’t get the notion that having a plateau in technology necessarily equals a fantasy universe, and there are plenty of other sci-fi universes where that is the case... Foundation, Dune, and The Culture all have civilizations at some degree of far future stasis. It’s just a story telling choice... sometimes

Twas the power of Marriage that killed the Beast, not that fancy shuriken.

It was the Zaldan. Part of Westley Crusher’s exam was recognizing one, and the fact that they despise polite behavior, so the correct meeting for them is “come at me, bro!”

Its interesting to look at the Star Trek TNG movies to notice the differences.... I think they try really hard to become Star Wars action movies in some respects. Usually they are trying to stop a bad thing from happening by blowing up a Bad Thingamajig, be it a Borg Cube, a Sunkiller missile, or a Romulan Doomship.

All of the civilian technology you see in Star Trek is great for people to geek out over.... how could you use this technology to solve this problem, etc. But it’s designed for the Rule of Cool just as much as anything in Star Trek.

I’ll stick up for Star Wars a bit.

Another key difference is that Star Trek is about The Unknown. Unkown planets, unknown physics, unknown aliens. It is about discovery, in both a practical and a more primal sense, and the setting of our main characters is in a small part of the galaxy, where they are one of many competing powers.

ESPN should also worry about the simple fact that they’re a middleman and an aggregator of content... there’s nothing stopping the NFL or NCAA from just making a streaming app for all their games and doing their own advertising. I’ve only ever been a fan of NCAA basketball, and it was a constant frustration to figure

Yes. I wonder where I got that other spelling from.

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Drunk History Season 3, episode 3, New Orleans. Momoa is playing the pirate Lafitte.

You practically have to go full Momoa to get me interested in Aquaman.

Other fun fact!

........... Furries?

I know, theoretically, that this is a good thing. But in my heart of hearts, I really, really hate waiting.

Is Mulder a 9/11 Truther? Is he right to be, in the context of the X-files? Both of those are deeply unpleasant options... probably the returning X-files will just ignore it, but I feel like there is the opportunity for greatness in actually tackling it straight on.

I’m a bit worried about Frozen in the 90s-itis with the X-files.... we’ve been drowning in conspiracy theorists since the X-files went off air. And while the UFOs remain blurry lights in the age of hd cameras in everyone’s pocket, its hard to get enthusiastic over conspiracy theories when so many of them are hard to

I read a book by one of Hawking’s detractors in physics, Susskind’s the Black Hole War, and it was interesting to see Hawking from the perspective of another theoretical physicist who is, honestly, tired of his crap.

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Sadly it’s only one video that is 8 minutes long, but I love it so much.