
Can Radiohead not be depressing as hell for a 90 min movie? I haven't followed them in years, so maybe they changed, but they seem more suitable for a Ex Machina 2, The Sad Robot Chronicles.

Alright, how about Dragonforce

My first choice would be Muse. Their discography is basically a rif on Flash Gordon anyways.

Superman does have an Emo Ice Sad Palace. Though damn if he isn’t pretty proud of it.

Take that, Rebel Scum!

I think someone else would have that covered

Poor Batman.

Wow, the new Final Fantasy 7 is really coming along!

Or this

Bust a move, Admiral Anderson Goliath Guy from They Live!

That Dragon, Cancer, has been having quite the week. But you didn’t get Jimmy Carter.


Epic Fail had some good responses to people trying that ;)

There’s one thing that always bothered me about Generations. Picard and Soren both go into the Ribbon. Picard finds Kirk, and goes back in time, stops Soren, and doesn’t go into the Ribbon.

I was actually thinking of a particular guy that was involved with Westly Crusher’s Star Fleet exam, who basically got into an argument with him, and Westly had to stand up and insult him back, because he was of a species where they were just utter dicks to each other all the time. And I just have to wonder what the

“Come on Kirk, I’ve almost got a complete set! Just this one and a Tholian crystal ship!”

The religious angle ended up really hamstring the whole show after a while, and became a really good example of why writing God into your show is just such a hard thing to do well. Its hard to have both a mysterious God that isn’t characterized, have that God make non-arbitrary decisions, and not take away both the