
The moment the gas came out all gloopy, I thought, ‘Take that, Walking Dead!” You don’t get to keep your cars forever without some sort of industry to support them.

Ugh. How hard is it to understand that one of the keys for making your show successful these days is to make sure that its easy for fans to start watching and catch up.

I figure we’re expecting a certain size for shoulder pads, and when they’re not big enough to land an F-16 on, it just look wrong some how.

Yeah, I feel bad for the humans having to fight orcs with arms as beefy as their whole torsos.

For a certain degree of God, sure. But you’re putting a ton of different concepts of God together... I would posit that there is a ton of religious thought that absolutely can be disproven. But there is constant just goal post moving within the concept of god and gods.

I once a Guiness that a friend brought home with him from Ireland, and it was a lot tastier. I think that the time it takes to travel to America and be sold has a strong effect on it. I often wonder if I’m getting the best flavor out of the various expensive Belgian beers I like to try for the same reason.

To an extent. But when I read about atheists being publicly flogged in Saudi Arabia or murdered in Bangladesh, I wish that politicians in the US would speak up for them in the way that they do when Christian churches get burned in the same region.

Oh yeah, but in Germany, you can buy it on the street on the way to work. When I visited Dresden in the Christmas time, it was pretty much the only way to survive the cold.

I think it checks out. And produced this awesome panda hat gif.

All I have to say is, thanks internet.

Yeah, I’m certainly not interested in the Atheist church thing that some people do... mainly because I was bored silly at church, and the idea that sitting around and chanting is a useful activity bugs me.

Seriously, is this the first time you’ve posted about atheism? This argument is like, religious response to atheism 101, and it’s super flawed, as other commenters have pointed out.

The problem is that you’re making your beliefs out to be the default, which isn’t right for a lot of reasons. But the biggest presumption is lumping all the various ideas about god and gods into a single idea. In truth, she’s rejecting a hugely varied, philosophically and scientifically incoherent set of ideas that

I do think there is a place for nonbeliever organizations in advocacy. Creationists get a broad amount of pushback, but I think you can’t always rely on the ACLU to go after the more subtle and less obvious problems religious people cause. There are a lot of people trying to push their religion on people in schools,

The numbers of people who say they have ‘no religion’ is much higher, like 18-20%. Though a fair number of those people are ‘unchurched’ religious people, its safe to say that there’s probably a lot of nonbelievers that don’t like the atheist label.

Is there a Gluhwein gif?

As you command.

I’m sorry guys, this is all America’s fault.

It’s so close. You can almost taste it.

That’s what I’ve heard, but it’s tough to justify watching 20-30 hours of a show I’m not that fond of for 6 to 10 hours of good stuff. At least with B5 and TNG, the rough first season leads you to a good rest of the show.