
Yeah, maybe people confuse it with memories of Sesame Street too? Definitely it seems to fit fine enough with the movies, though I would have thought it would be a fair bit more zany and less down to earth that it has been so far. Which is odd to say about a show with a Latino Shrimp as its unlikely voice of reason.

That may have been one of the mostly deeply awkward things I have ever witnessed. Though totatlly in the style of Flight of the Concord’s rap :)

And lets not forget that it had Bret from Flight of the Concords writing their songs too. The whole time I was watching that movie I thought, man, this style of song sounds really familiar.

I like it too, but it’s a weird show. I didn’t really grow up with the Muppets, but its kind of odd to see Muppets dating humans, to see the 30 Rock and The Office format applied to them, and so on.

I thought when Blizzard first made Warcraft, I thought it was initially pitched as a Warhammer game. Before that it was table top stuff and books.

Yeah, given that Naomi is not at all white.

I remember that species getting around by rolling around on coconuts that they held in their claws. Maybe they had trunks too?

I think it would be hilarious to film a new Bill and Ted movie by just having them show up and film in the background of every other movie the studio made that year.

True enough. But it’s the burden of the movie to take its tropes and present them in a way that’s entertaining, and I’m afraid that the Warcraft movie could very easily just show us stuff we’ve already seen with LOTR and then seen reheated with the Hobbit.

Yeah, I feel like I’ve had good conversations with people here, by and large, and gotten some good recommendations for books/movies/podcasts from various comments. Its too easy sometimes for a reviewer to like or hate a thing, and sometimes you just need to see why the other side loves or hates a thing.

It’s a tough call, you want hosts and contestants that are actually smart and enthusiastic about what they know.

Gotham, S7

That was my problem with this whole idea..... taking LOTR and Warhammer and making it into a game can make a fun game, but you’re not noticing all the warmed over tropes when your freaking ogres need their bloodlust upgrade.

I’d love to see a trailer where, instead of ‘War is coming’, it was just

Yeah, even just that cool alien planet with the rolling people would be tough. Much less with the war on heaven.

I enjoyed how Lee gave Jim a key to her apartment, and he was momentarily flustered, and asked if she wanted one for his and she was like “Fuuuck no. Do you even have a place anymore?”

A good con artist wouldn’t break character to warn off someone else. Especially when she knows a pycho sniper.

I figure Nygma just drops a $5 bill on the floor whenever a cop disturbs him, and the GCPD cops forget what he was doing in a mad brawl to pick it up.

I certainly appreciate that the BBC is willing to take a crack at a story that is as fundamentally irreligious as The Dark Materials. But man... I feel like they could probably do a better job keeping a Sandman series under budget than TDM :)

One of the bears should have shouted “Fatality” after that.