
When I saw ID4 in theaters, everyone clapped at the end of his speech. One of the things I like best about theaters, is the spontaneous response of the audience like that.... just like how when a bee stung Scully before she could kiss Mulder, everyone groaned.

Actually, from what I understand the Gospels were written down in Greek first. If there was a historical Jesus, he probably would have spoken Aramaic, but aside from a few references to Aramaic words within the Gospels, there is no reason to presume that they're translations. Some people have even made a fairly good

If he can fix the stars in the sky, he can fix the iceberg.

I think part of the problem is that (and this is particularly true if you grow up religious, as most atheists do), that religions keep you stuck in a very specific web of interpretations and viewpoints on their Holy Book. As an ex-Lutheran, I'll tell you, we never once cracked the Book of Job, the Song of Solomon, or

I'm really still at a loss for this. As someone who started on the path to atheism through sci-fi and Carl Sagan, is this article just telling me that I did it wrong? Or that being open minded is the same as accepting something that says you have to accept it on faith?


Wow. Okay.

Yeah. Isn't it funny how Buffy had essentially the same odd vampire situation, and yet did it a hundred billion times better?

While I'll give Twighlight props for taking the concept of a 'soulmate' to its creepiest possible conclusion, if werewolves can just imprint on some random person, they should all be on every sort of watchlist... is there even any sort of consent involved in this process?

I'd definitely believe there would be spores up there, though I think it would be a really difficult environment for something to actually live up there, for no other reason than life requires a variety of different elements, and I can't imagine there is much in the way of iron up there.

The top of the Reichstag in Berlin has a very similar structure, except you look down on the German parliament instead of a tree.

Would it have been greener to make it out of steel?

I think it keeps going because it provides an easy way to give people a superpower, and because people rightly think that the brain is a very scientifically mysterious organ. Course, the problem is that it is increasingly better known, and evolution doesn't work by producing something first, and then finding a use

I'm from Buenos Aires and I say kill 'em all.

I think it would be possible to try doing it for other impressive animals as well. I think a Lion Funeral would be neat, or a Shark Funeral. Though perhaps we shouldn't encourage them to enjoy our tasty meats.

That could be true as well... I think that the issue with vultures in India was more wide ranging than just the small scale use of vulture funerals, since their decline was almost total across all of India, and it was because of some cattle antibiotic that was harmless to people and cattle. Its been banned and the

Being 'Open Minded' is not the same as being completely failing to do any research at all. This is not something that should have aired. They deserve to be mocked because they have clearly failed at basic journalism by showing footage of a fly as if it were an spaceship.

Clearly its a slow news day in Denver.

I like the idea of my body being used to feed the local environment, though I expect that given the way most of us die in old age, it would be pumped with far to many drugs to be good for the local vultures.

Yeah, I was reading about it in Scientific American, because they've had the problem that India's vulture population dropped really dramatically due to some antibiotic they were feeding cattle, and the local crow population was not really able to eat a body in the same time frame as a bunch of vultures. Thus a