
Yeah I never leave home without Gift of the Sun :) I run that and the Claws of Ahamkhara for the extra Scorch/Energy Drain. Great tip though sir. That will certainly help in the old bounty farming.

I love how useful and relevant VoG weapons are in the new raid and especially in Nightfalls. I recently got Fatebringer from the Templar and have almost forgot about Hawkmoon as it just sits in the vault now. Even with just the first perk for exploding enemies with precision damage just takes the cake. It's so useful

Terrifically wonderful tip with that. The only reason I could see using The Dark Beyond for now is that 7 Kills with nova bomb or the 10 Radiance kills with Warlocks, but this might be achievable here. This would also help knocking out the 4 Rapid Heavy Weapon Hive Kills.

Hehe, Yeah I agree. I don't even have my sound up for the game anymore when I play, even with PVP. I just have music piping from Spotify through my Logitech Z5500's all the time.

Kirk I've found that in order to reset Exclusion zone you need to hit whatever console corresponding button it is to restart and then set it to normal and then progress to the checkpoint when the doors open. At that point it will have reset the Level 18 Heroic. :)

Also I would recommend level 9 for The Dark Beyond

Am I the only one who noticed a lack of pupils in one of these. It's really eerie.

It's only running 32-Bit? If so even still you'd likely not be able to play it due to the RAM requirement. And even still if you enabled PAE in 32-Bit processes are only able to address a max of 2GB which this would naturally exceed.

"All we know is, he doesn't like delays."

Just saw this reply :/ Unfortunately no, it looks as though it was one per account, sad panda.

I got a Secret Handshake and ended up also getting 3 Hide and Seek's. I scrapped 2 of the Hide & Seek's, however both my Handshake and Hide & Seek's have the Full Auto perk. To be honest though, I don't really us either. If I PvP and I run shotgun, I use my 4th Horseman.

Hawkmoon is beast about that. 13 Round Mag, with 3 Luck in the chamber round's. I love that gun.

yeah I got a crappy Vanguard Auto Rifle for the nightfall. My friends I ran it with though, both got Exotic Helms. Arachnid and Saint-14. I was like well thanks for nothing. Although I did pull my second Thunderlord, from the first Crota chest along with 2 Radiant Energy. I sharded it of course lol. Oh and I got I

This, so much this. The first time I ran Crota with a friend of mine and his friends, I was worried cause I was the noob of the party. The communication was superb. We started at the Crota Fight checkpoint, went down underneath where you fall into the final area, and then proceeded from there. I think it took us 2-4

Good to see FFIX up there along with Super Mario RPG. I really dug IX because it got back to that old school Final Fantasy feel. And Super Mario RPG, that game was just gold. So many great easter eggs in there too. Loved the "Power Ranger" battle.

Working for me right now as I'm in orbit in Destiny.

Yeah, I get either server timeouts or that the connection has been lost. I've rebooted so many times already. I know it's not MY internet as I can use the PSN Browser to check their terrible twitter and supposedly "Online" status page. I'm peeved mostly cause this group of d-bags have now ruined twice for me a Destiny

exactly, they're just low life, living in momma's basement script kiddies.

Script kiddies, not hackers.

oh you mean these Jesus?