
I’m sure there are some deeper psychological reasons behind it, but I just can’t make myself attracted to conventionally beautiful people. I can look at them and acknowledge that they are pleasant looking but it ends there. They’re just kind of a snooze fest.

god, what a book

I’ll take manspreading over fatspreading anyday. At least with manspreading you can push back.

Not one single woman in this show is where she is because of her own actions. Instead, they are constantly reacting to situations men have put them in, be it fathers, brothers, whatever.

I think you threw an entire nursery out with the bathwater there...

You seriously think nothing...Orwell wrote is worth reading? Fitzgerald? I’ll grant you Hemingway is an acquired taste but Hills Like White Elephants is one of the greatest short stories ever. DFW?

Baldwin? Joyce? Nabokov? Joseph Heller?

that is actually hilarious

Nobody likes competition.

her support for bombing libya was just an ironic way of backing qaddafi, it’s well known.

The blame lies squarely on Ronald Reagan’s shoulders, not Hillary Clinton’s.

He should have developed better breaking technique.

European sentencing is so weird to those of us raised in the American system (Not meant as a criticism, merely an observation).

classic symptoms of oxygen deprivation - Dean isn’t used to the high altitude he’s sitting at in his booster seat.

but aborting on a whim a week before due date is a realllllly extreme position.

actual religious traditions to a fictional universe

there is no such thing as wizards

Except people are actively fighting the idea of sharing these stories:

One of the primary people here literally said on Twitter, “no, we won’t tell you what the myths are.”

Are these people aware that Wizards - British, Navajo, White, Brown, from Middle-earth, from Narnia, from Westeros

I have to admire your bitter determination to somehow drag feminists into this article which made literally no mention of them.