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Left wing “communities” here in the UK are particularly violent and anti-democratic.

. Their sexual relationships with these women amount to rape.

The bitter irony of gamergaters using an essay about moral panics around (largely animated) child pornography to attack this woman while they themselves advocate for importing “loli” games and media unchanged from Japan is just...what? How?

The cognitive dissonance is blinding.

What is the gaming equivalent of fine art? Incomprehensibly dense stuff like Dwarf Fortress? Or the much-reviled “walking simulators” like Gone Home?

The bros who fuck my whole shit up in Madden are anything BUT casuals, and I’m pretty sure some of them have spent $100s on MUT.

I think we’ll probably always have marriage, in some form or another. It’s one of the few near-universal social constants across societies - some form of publicly recognized, bonded male/female partnership to create a family unit capable of creating children.

How it will look in the smoking rubble of Trump’s America is

How the hell do people get all the way to college and still not know how to act in public?

For fuck’s sake.

It’s almost as though groups of people are still, at their core, individuals.

Americans, collectively were going to hell but we no longer fit inside the regulation handbaskets.

Meanwhile, our overwhelming bulk has caused severe structural damage to Good Intentions Road and we no longer fit inside the standard-issue seats on Hellfire Airways.


IDK, man. Are you one of these toolbags?

If so, I have a complimentary basket f/yr head.

if anyone deserves the guillotine it’s these colossal toolbags

well, Trump + Cruz and these toolbags.

dead eyes

like a doll’s eyes


TBH it would be a kind of hilarious hot mess to watch people as dumb and vapid as this try to navigate that.

isn’t “period” just another euphemism?

and it still has nothing to do with white, western culture

yes, curses on Oliver for creating informative, entertaining segments that disrupt the media machine vortex swirling around sad bigots like Trump...

Then again, I’m pretty sure you’re just a lost /pol/ reject wandering into Gawker to get your kicks.

There’s already someone telling the killer cops’ side of the story, it’s the police unions.

Is obesity unhealthy? Yes.

So you’re just flat out erasing the existence of all Tuareg and Berber people?
