I do think aspects of it have annoyingly infected all fandoms of gaming, hence the rise of “get gud”.
I do think aspects of it have annoyingly infected all fandoms of gaming, hence the rise of “get gud”.
This video gives me a very specific kind of anxiety
Yeah my mind went to the unrestricted Hybrid 919. “Hey, what would happen if we took our fastest endurance racer, tossed regulations aside and tried to literally go as fast as possible?”
“it’s probably the wildest Porsche ever built”
Yep. My grandfather had a tale about a mean old guy living the next farm over when he was a kid. (Which was in the 1920s, mind you.) Well, this guy was mean to everyone, and hated my Grandfather and his friends for being “hooligans.”
It’s largely because these guys grew up listening to their dads and grandads joke about being bullying assholes and pulling stunts like this, and how the sheriff would give it a wink and a nod and do nothing, and it would just be a funny story to tell later.
1: Do asshole thing and show it for all to see.
This is currently sitting at about 50 percent wholesome, which is probably the upward limit of wholesomeness allowed on the internet.
“Accidentally”. Sure sure, it’s not like the community was up in arms because FromSoft had the audacity to make something marginally easier. Nope, that’s not it at all. Because as we all know FromSoft only caters to filthy casuals and NEVER EVER to the crowd of people that rip their hair out in rage at the briefest…
here u go:
“Also that’s only one side of the story”
‘Feign honesty’ and ‘Let your victims feel smarter’ among a few of them that were immediately apparent from the Sociopath’s Field Guide!
So he's doing his own "Surrender To Recover", from that 48 nonsense...
You’re thinking all wrong, what you should be asking is...... How likely is Trump to have a full on coronary over his niece airing out how much money has lost. Always look on the bright side of life, Dee doo dum de dum de doo
Ah what a shame you didn’t get to experience GOT as it was coming out. As a whole in a binge watch it just never has the same effect as it did when the anticipation was huge and everyone watched it at the same time. I might show my age here but it reminded me of the times before binge watching and DVR’s where it…
I don’t at all agree or even really understand your argument but you should at least swap out The Sopranos for The Wire. It’s far, far more popular and is really the show that wrought the changes you describe. Also, as someone else mentioned, television is so much better now then pre The Wire. I simply cannot even…
TV before The Wire was 99% crap, there was nothing to ruin. All good TV came out after it, and really, the influence that show has had in TV as a whole is marginal. The only shows like The Wire are the ones David Simon does. This season of Westworld is terrible because it’s full of characters with no clear motivations…