
yeah. Maybe for Supes' 80th in two years they could get the team who animated A-SSM to do that scene.

I sent a comic panel from the issue they killed off Larry Lance (Dinah's husband at the time, pre-Ollie) to Superdickery back in the day. Supes was officiating the memorial. I captioned it with "He got his Theology degree from the back of his own comic book."

Really? I just thought it was a way for Marvel to admit they don't want to write books anymore and they just want to cash checks for movies based on things Kirby, Lee and Ditko wrote 40 years ago.

There's a theory that if we ever meet Extra-terrestials, that they would have to be good. A race can only achieve FTL travel if they've moved past the tensions and hatreds that taunt us today. That kind of power breeds bringing out the best in people. Well, Supes is the same way - he's so far beyond that he can't

When in doubt, do the thing that'll offend the least number. Joel played it safe on this, and I think it works.

He claimed the solution to the debt issue is for "Ring Ring Do Your Thing."

And he wants pictures! Pictures of Spider-man!


There are bird-based Furs. Featheries. I'm not joking. Also reptile ones. Scalies. Again, not joking.

Family originally from Scotland. And wow, does that mean Golmgold supported Apartheid? Because that would be deep.

I knew someone would say that.. I wish you didn't but I knew someone would.

You won't have an easier time getting into Puro or Lucha (Japanese or Mexican) over US wrestling. The language barrier and the rules differences make them a challenge to get into.

Eddie only used it to honor Art Barr, his tag team partner and friend who passed on early in Eddie's career. If you never saw pre-WCW Eddie, look it up. His match with Barr versus Octagon & El Hijo Del Santo was an instant 5 star classic.

Which is why Roman won't ever get any bigger than he is now: he is simply not that good at selling, which massively limits him.

Knew your father I did, in the biblical sense…

Joel is a fan, he pushed a documentary on Zappa when the kickstarter was rollling.

It's a reference to a Frank Zappa song, "Camarillo".

Because your concern is unwarranted. It's 20 years later, TV's changed and MST3K will evolve too. Purity is overrated.

I think you mean Donna Troy, Wonder Girl. Yes her story is 5 ways to screwed up. In the 50s they ran Wonder Tot stories with looks back at Diana as a girl. FF to the 60s they drop a teenage Wonder Tot into the Teen Titans, not knowing that character never existed except in stories, necessitating a new origin story.

"Puny God" is one of the best moments I've ever been in a theater. My brother and I skipped work to watch the marathon of Iron Man I, II, Cap and Thor, all leading into Avengers, and in that experience with that crowd who also were there almost the whole day, all of us gorging on mall food court food (they let us