
That's the greatest sin so far- No movie - going back to after Superman II - shows Supes as anything but a boxer. No thought, no creativity in solving his problems, no strategy. Just "punch punch punch!"

not all versions do - Earth 2, the universe where Superman was active during WWII and with the Justice Society - Superman's parents were John and Mary Kent - almost exclusively called Ma and Pa. Only Earth 1 John and Martha Kent, and that rolled into the later Post-Crisis versions.

And in her interview moment she didn't call any attention to her illness, she instead talked about how she loved movie riffing. That is pure class right there.

Naw, Gillberg was over, didn't you hear how they chanted his name?

So, who's in on the pool that he resigns the Presidency at some point? I can't believe he's gonna sit there and be criticized for 4 years, he hasn't been able to go two weeks.

A ballpoint banana?

Wow Insider still exists - most of the authors transferred over to Blizzard Watch.

It's a little easier since each of those foods is in a category (Dairy, Meat, Cooked Fish, Fruit, etc - all in line with the food categories Hunter Pets eat), and they create 2 - one for starting level for the space, the other for half way up (100 and 105 for Legion).

I donno - she mentioned spitting fire from food, which is an effect from a recipe from Legion (Fishburl Special), so she's doing very up to date research, or she might well play.

I don't have to like his newer works, but by god, that man did give the Nostalgia and the Geek Culture movements a giant shot in the arm.

No, Old Indy was in most of the episodes, but those scenes were cut out of later showing and Netflix.

It was… thick. There's good in there. It's got some interesting parts. But it's so weighed down by its own atmosphere at times, and it also I think suffers in part due to its time frame - it's stuffy, as late Victorian/Edwardian Colonial periods would be (and a lot of the show takes place in this sort of environment).

Unfortunately, most of MacGyver's original adventures fall into the "Would be needless with a cell phone" territory. Oh, the Chinese government is hiding information? ::Takes out iPhone, takes pictures of evil government documents, uploads them to Dropbox, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Onedrive to be safe [no one

you can tell this one is written by someone who's deep into this crap or copying it - he or she used the phrase "miss the mark. Its something christians are big into, because the word sin in greek (Hamartia) comes from that meaning. Which just underlines the fact you're taking your modern belief structure from a bunch

He's getting his legs under him. Give him tiiime….

Yeah. "Then Came Bronson" was sorta of a revelation from me, which MST3K introed.

Kung-fu Hippie from Gangsta City!

No. No. NO. Mac does not have PTSD, he gives people paper-clip induced PTSD!

World of Warcraft's Hub Musics would probably be the Inn songs, which play at places where you can gain rested XP and buy supplies.

Green Hornet. I loved the character, but I was not prepared (Illy-D) for how lousy the 3D was, and it kept on giving me a headache.