Dr. St. Ridley Santos

Worst thing the Protestant Reformation did was inventing Jesus as a get out of jail free card.

The clown would probably feel better than a chair leg anyway.

EXPLODED ABRASION TESTICLE should be the name of the first album.

“CONTUSION PENIS” should be the name of a band. And their first album should be “EXPLODED ABRASION TESTICLE.”

Bun-meat-second meat-third meat(?)-condiments-bun

High concentration of midichlorians.

“He told me you killed him.”

I’m not sure how, outside facebook, my old high school classmates would find my address or otherwise be able to send an invitation to me anyway. I’ve moved a couple times since then, and I don’t really keep in anything but the most superficial contact with anyone from either of my high schools. Also, the joy of moving

Well, humans. They’re very much in the business of killing microscopic living things.

So what you’re saying is Jezebel will actually be a feminist website now, rather than whatever the fuck it was under Jessica? I wish you luck in doing it.

How about all of Polar Express?

If you could make it a requirement for a forced birther to jump on the funeral pyre for every one of these, I think there could be a compromise possible on this.

There was no united Christian kingdom of Spain that had been conquered in the first place, Christians did not suddenly disappear from al-Andalus after the battle of Toledo, and the changes that led to 1492 were more the result of the waning ineffectuality of the Umayyad caliphate than of any concerted effort to frame

Presuponer que toda recombinación de elementos es obligatoriamente inferior a su original, es presuponer que el borrador 9 es obligatoriamente inferior al borrador H -ya que no puede haber sino borradores. El concepto de texto definitivo no corresponde sino a la religión o al cansancio.

Cyclops got his powers when he discovered puberty?

I like how the force works as a meta justification for particularly shitty fight choreography.

Meanwhile in South Park, Slash exists.

Harass you? The jab about birds is probably the first instance you could say that happened. The other two comments you dismissed? That’s not harassment. Learning the difference might be a good idea. And hiding behind the dismiss button on those is pretty shit.

Honestly, I expected more speed on the dismissal. Birds are supposed to be fast.