I’m aware. Looks like she elected to dismiss. Not unexpected.
I’m aware. Looks like she elected to dismiss. Not unexpected.
You’re welcome.
I know people who knew Teresa and have seen how painful this is firsthand is a big part of my feelings.
TV time and real time don’t have to match, you know.
Robot hand. Probably some fancy pneummatics in there to give it better crushing pressure, along with its other cool uses. You’re vastly overthinking this.
Pandering is the act of expressing one’s views in accordance with the likes of a group to which one is attempting to appeal.
Literally anywhere else on the logo would have been better.
The right-pointing arrow on her campaign logo was ill-advised when she debuted it (seriously, that’s a bad idea when you need to court the left), and it’s especially ill-advised with this. Good fucking job, Hilary. You look like you’re telling Rosa Parks to give up her seat.
And I meant that studios can’t let go of their idea that audiences wouldn’t be perfectly happy to sit through longer movies. Said the opposite of what I meant.
I look forward to the show doing the result of the plan correctly. I’d like it even more if the baby gets eaten because the baby has no business being part of the show.
Harry Potter is definitely responsible, because studios just can’t let go of the idea that people would be perfectly happy to sit through a longer movie (also tantalized by the prospect of doubling the amount of money they can make off one movie by just splitting it and releasing it as two).
I meant that some of the ways the game was broken were alternately amazing or bizarre. Like Psychic types not actually being weak to ghost. Or Normal being unable to get STAB. Or Dragon also not being able to, due to having only one move with fixed damage. Weird ass glitches (and seriously, how did anyone figure out…
Yeah, Gen 1 Joleton was ridiculous. Gen 1 was amazingly, bizarrely broken. Still loved it at the time, and though I’m never going back (I just can’t, not with the insane progress the game mechanics have made since), I still have fond memories.
Gen 1 crit mechanics also meant that Jolteon’s pin missile could crit often, because your crit chance was based on your speed stat and not on the move. So Jolteon hits pin missile against a Psychic type, and hits it with a high chance of critting each hit.
If academia doesn’t work out, I’m seriously considering getting into WWE creative to try and better the product.
Shai Hulud
Comic’s gotten a bit past Negan, including a three year time-skip after Negan.
If the Wonder Woman movie was a straight adaptation of the Hiketeia, I’d be down for Batman in it.
Squinting is apparently all the eye protection Daryl needs.