
Hey sweet thing!

haha I’ve been sick and just busy so this faker REALLY swept in at the most opportune time - most DEF not me !!

haha shut up ! clearly it is the real deal (4REAL, duh!)

haha i just stumbled across the profile off of tampaBEEatchs profile just like an hour ago - it looks like it was made yesterday maybe?

OHHH my mindy!

you are way too cute

got that right - but then again i also drink pickle juice

HAHAHAHA that makes it seem way more fun and for the record IM the adderal ST Lizzie!

Haha I didn’t mean it THAT way I meant it as someone made that profile and has been commenting The DUMBEST stuff

RIGHTTTT I KNOW!! I actually found the profile by stalking your profile ;) I was checking out your followers/who you follow and what not after I followed you because I like checking up to see if I’m missing out on following anyone cool by lurking through other people’s followers haha

hahaha the fake account is not in the black I don’t think - someone just replied or recommended that was an approved commenter I think!

Hahhaa Jesus Christ I GUESS. Or lucky enough to have people hate me this much and think I’m actually THIS big of an idiot !

The world will ALWAYS be more than okay when we activate our spaz twin powers!!!

I am SO weirded out by this

OMG what the fuck kind of response is my friend giving?

OKAY while I am VERY intrigued about your story of dunkin on don that is an imposter profile

Hi Ben, that idiot is an imposter

HOLY FUCK you are bad at this.

Okay A. LOVE your username you are making me hungry and B. The STelizabeth who called your cat scrumptious is fake.

Hahaha douchey it is ME STEliz frosty puppy witch - Queen of the juggalos!!!