I met him at the Pirate’s of the Caribbean ride at Disney World many years ago and he was incredibly nice to me and my best friend, who were dumb teens at the time. I was really sad when he died.
Can they do custom ones? I want one that’s like just xanax.
So shoving tanis root up my vag isn’t a good idea?
I don’t really mind it so much... except she is clearly lying because cats don’t wear makeup or get piercings. I know this because every time I have tried to do a smoky eye on my cats, they scratch me.
This girl is going to be mortified in 10 years.
I missed livejournal, please explain otherkin
The big question = litterbox:
Yay or Nay?
Right? This is like... 1995 all over again.
GroupThink contributor?
Oh my god, the rest of the world has discovered otherkin.
Hmm, must investigate excellent pizza the next time I have to go to Target.
I’m pretty sure it was like, passed down through the family.
Siri keeps trying to take me to Detroit. Detroit is a 3 hour drive. It doesn't matter what I am searching for - movie theater, pizza, the closest Target. I must go to Detroit to find these things. 🤔
?? didn’t u watch the clip? he the worst.
um frosty puppy wicked witch (STEP UP TO THA BROOMSTICK STREETZ)
YO totally is a strung out michibilly jugallette party queen. :)
is there still a ghost in your (ment.) hospital bathroom?